Seen any good movies lately?

I saw both Knives Out and Glass Onion and actually liked the latter more. Worth watching for a bit of fun.


Finally got around to watching Operation Mincemeat on Netflix. Once we figured out the characters, we enjoyed it. WWII spy caper.


Watched This is Where I Leave You (Netflix) and liked it. Had a bit of The Big Chill feeling sometimes, but family woes.

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Where did you catch it? I love them!

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The Bee Gees: How Can You Mend a Broken Heart

I believe it was on hbo max

Not a movie per se, but CBS is airing a special tomorrow night where other artists salute the Beach Boys by performing their tunes. Will DVR it, while we watch the PBS Sunday night line up.


A couple of days ago, we watched “Boynton Beach Club,” about a group of older people in a bereavement club. It was pretty light and fluffy. It didn’t get great reviews, but we thought it was cute.

Looking at the reviews of the movie, one writer mentioned that it couldn’t compare to “Somthing’s Gotta Give” (2003) with Diane Keaton and Jack Nicholson. So then we watched it! I can’t believe we hadn’t seen it before - Keaton and Nicholson were both nominated for awards for their performances. If you haven’t seen it, I recommend it!

If you watch it, stick through the credits for a cool rendition of “La Vie En Rose” performed by Nicholson!


We really enjoyed Dungeons and Dragons, but did not go in expecting anything, but fun. Unlike all the superhero movies, it wasn’t just one fight scene after another, although there certainly was plenty of action. I found the characters surprisingly appealing.

It was amazing - thank you, I knew every song and sang along - I cried and I laughed - and yes HBO Max

Thanks @MADad for the suggestion. H and I thought Operation Mincemeat was really good.

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I finally got around to seeing Top Gun: Maverick now that it’s on Amazon Prime. I’m not particularly a Tom Cruise fan but did appreciate the immense detail that went into filming it. The flight scenes were exciting. It was somewhat of an ego film for Cruise but he earned it.

I particularly enjoyed the scenes filmed locally after reading about it a few years back. It was fun seeing Point Loma from the North Island military beach instead of the Hotel Del beach. And I am very familiar with the big tree at Fort Rosecrans National Cemetery in the funeral scene - walked by it many times.

But the sailing trip clearly was filmed elsewhere - apparently in San Francisco Bay per this article:

I did find the plot somewhat predictable and not very nuanced - but it moved fast and held my interest.

Couple other thoughts: Tom Cruise is finally getting older - good for him to allow comparisons to his younger Maverick character. Also, I kept picturing Don Draper whenever Jon Hamm was on the screen.


We saw Air as a family last night. It was great!


I’m so glad you enjoyed it! I liked it and I wasn’t even a fan.

H and I saw “Air” yesterday and both enjoyed it.


It’s very amusing to hear my Navy kid’s thoughts about both the Maverick movies. He does enjoy watching them despite the nitpicking. Mostly it’s stuff like the unnamed foreign country wouldn’t have had that particular fighter jet.


Wanted to see a movie tonight and 65 was the only one playing locally that was even remotely of interest to us.

Win some, lose some. This was a loss. Such is life. They really aren’t making many movies that appeal to us any more unfortunately (not into sports or superheroes or horror, etc). None of the trailers sparked our attention either.

Seriously! Not a fan of those movie categories either but we plan on watching Air - it is not about sports, apparently.


After I typed that I got looking at the Coming Soon movies and found Chevalier. It’s going to be next on our list - not sure exactly when yet as that will work around our jobs and travels, but it’s going to be next - maybe next Monday if it’s at our local theater. The trailer looks interesting, and if it is indeed based upon a true story, it’s one I want to know about.

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Enjoyed Zach Braff’s movie “A Good Person” starring Morgan Freeman and Florence Pugh. It’s about grief and addiction, so not a comedy although there were some funny moments. It was filmed in our town (Zach’s hometown) and we enjoyed the scenes inside our high school and on my D’s soccer field although the real soccer team is much better than the actresses in the movie.


Looking forward to this movie.