Seen any good movies lately?

On the Marie Antoinette series that is airing on PBS Sunday nights, one of the new characters who appeared in last Sunday’s episode was none other than Chevalier himself.


For anyone that likes Hallmark Channel movies, or used to like them before they started mass producing garbage, their recent movie The Wedding Cottage was good. A nice throwback to the way they used to do things. Cute storyline, and good chemistry between the love interests. Erin Krakow can carry a movie well.


We went to watch Chevalier today for a matinee at the theater and are among the 91% of Google users who give it a thumbs up. I always enjoy learning more about history than I knew, and due to his race, his history had been buried.

We were alone in the theater and our 16 screen theater assigned it one of the smaller rooms they have. This was disappointing, but it is Monday and considering where we live, not surprising. Few here have an interest in French History (Marie Antoinette era - 1700s), Opera, or how those of a different race were treated in the past. The movie wasn’t even promoted at this theater by running previews in previous movies. I had to look it up to see what it was all about. I hope the movie is doing well elsewhere.

And like all movies based on history, they took some liberties to try to make it “better” even though it’s a great story the way it played out IRL. They actually left some things out that I would have included, esp since they ended it too early IMO.

My suggestion is to watch the movie first to enjoy it, then look at this site so your knowledge of history is more accurate. That’s what I always do anyway… no sense spoiling a good movie and no sense believing things that aren’t accurate.

Official trailer is here if you’re curious:

All in all, a great date afternoon for H and I! Much better than watching 65 last week…

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I adore Cillian Murphy.

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Saw “Somewhere in Queens” yesterday. It was good, not great but I enjoyed it. The very end contained a bit of a surprise that I liked.

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Are You There God, It’s me Margaret? Is out in theaters. I loved this book as a child and definitely want to see the movie. It’s getting great reviews.


I was just logging on to ask if anyone here had seen it? Of course I trust the professional reviews but wanted to confirm with the CC reviewers. I may go see it on Sunday if the weather is as bad as predicted. I remember the discussions about the book from childhood. It came out when I was 8. I can even picture the shelf where the Judy Blume books were in my childhood public library. I spent a lot of time “browsing” there, not comfortable to check out the book and bring it home. Even though I can’t remember my parents ever forbidding me from reading anything.


FINALLY got around to watching Top Gun Maverick this rainy weekend. Thought it was quite good. Scene with Val Kilmer was touching. Interesting to learn the plane that the original Top Gun made famous, the F-14, that there are no F-14’s flying anymore. They had to get creative in making us think that Maverick and Rooster were flying one.


If you ever get a chance to watch Top Gun Maverick on a big screen (who knows, sometimes the theaters replay movies), I can’t tell you how fantastic that is. You feel like you’re right in the carrier, watching them take off.


I don’t recall what age I read this, but I remember thinking that book was rather gross.:grin:I must have been pretty young, because obviously I missed the point. When I read reviews, it sounds quite good, with some topics very pertinent to today.


I had the opposite experience. I was in college by the time I read it, and I thought it was just meh. It didn’t come out until I was in high school and I read a lot more fantasy, sci fi and historical fiction rather than anything contemporary. That said, I love Judy Blume whenever I hear her interviewed which I did recently because of this documentary about her that just came out. Judy Blume Forever - Official Trailer | Prime Video - YouTube


I’m guessing that I was in the pre-teen years, and those kind of books were not on my radar either. No doubt I would have had a different memory (other than ew, girl stuff), if I’d been an adult.:grin:

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And I was too old for “Margaret”. I never had daughters to read it so…I read a synopsis. It sounds good actually.

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Same here. I knew about it, but missed it along with my daughter. The waiting list at the library is arm’s length, except for the CD version, and I still have my trusty (if bulky) walkman.

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I saw Margaret today. She was in 6th grade in 1970 suburban New Jersey and I was in 6th grade in 1973 suburban New Jersey. Brought back a lot of memories - similar friend personalities and interactions. Although I was one of the first in my friend group to get my period, age 11, and lied that I hadn’t gotten it yet. Lots of chuckles from the small audience of over 60 women watching it. I’m not sure about the one husband.


Are you still in NJ? A service area on the Garden State Parkway was named in Judy Blume’s honor. The rest of the service areas were named after other NJ “celebrities”.


Moved away in 1984 but visited twice a year until my Mom passed away in 2011. I just googled the service area. I thought it might be in Union County where both Judy Blume and I are from. But I know the area where it is because we used to go that way to Point Pleasant all the time.


Judy Blume is a bookstore owner in Key West.
My hometown. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I live about half way between Point Pleasant and that rest stop. It was recently updated and is probably very different than the last time you passed by.


Enjoyed the Judy Blume documentary on Prime. They show her bicycling and walking in Key West. Beautiful place! Interesting to see the friendships that she developed with some of her child fans.