Seen any good movies lately?

If you want to cry and feel blue for days, watch EO.


Watched Leave No Trace a few days ago based upon recommendations here. Very interesting, excellent actors and the scenery is lovely. Not a fast moving action flick, but it definitely kept my interest.

Saw Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 also. I’m a big fan, but this one was too overdone. It was like watching a very long ASPCA commercial, with Sarah McLaughlan songs. A little bit would have gone a long way. It’s like the director really wanted you to feel a certain emotion, so he just kept pounding away on it. This guy is bad, really bad, incredibly bad, and I want you to feel sad so how about this, and this, and this?

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Yea… Leave No Trace does move slowly. It was a change of pace, and it did make me realize how much of our watching these days is crazy full of action and plot twists (some of which we even don’t fully follow). Definitely was thought provoking for me.

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BlackBerry opens in the local theaters this weekend, and it has received positive reviews.

I just saw that Air is now on Amazon Prime. Something to watch tonight! :slight_smile:

I really enjoyed, and teared up at, A Man Called Otto last night. It’s been a while since I read A Man Called Ove and then saw that movie version so the plot kept coming back to me as it was happening. I think Tom Hanks did a good job with the role, maybe more so than some things he’d done recently (Elvis). And his son playing his son was a nice addition.


For me the story is especially touching since my quite, handy grandfather (born in Sweden) was a lot like Ove. My grandmother, the gregarious one, died first forcing him to come out of his shell a bit.

Family story: Pop was upset when the Queens neighborhood started to “go downhill” in the 70s, with so many “Eye-talians” moving in. But those neighbors were all so nice to my elderly grandparents! At Christmas, the husbands on either side extended their lights to go up to the peak of grandparent’s roof (very close houses, think Archie Bunker opening footage). When my grandmother needed to go to the hospital and no ambulances were available, they found a way to put her in a chair and carry her down the stairs.


We watched Michael J Fox’s documentary Still on Apple TV last night. Still the cutest boy in the class and still inspiring. Yes I cried. I truly love him.


Visiting & minimally helping S with girls while DIL is on work trip. Got a nice Mother’s Day card, but otherwise everything from rise & shine to bedtime was based on what the 5 year old wanted to do. After she went to bed, I got to request our movie and we watched “Air.” I really liked it, but enjoyed it even more watching with S as we talked about '80s music, basketball nuances, etc. What a nice evening!


H and I watched Air on Saturday night on Prime and really enjoyed it. We both loved the music and 1984 was the year we met so we have a lot of fond memories from that time. We told D1 and fiance and D2 at Mother’s Day brunch yesterday that this is a movie they should all like.


This afternoon, my son and I watched “Barbarian Utopia: Encounters on the Appalachian Trail,” a 2019 documentary. Towards the end, they showed the view from the top of the Bigelow range, which we can see from our cabin. I thought it was an interesting movie. It’s on Amazon, but you have to rent it.


We just saw A Man Called Otto, and it was surprisingly good. I heartily recommend it.


I watched it recently too . I’m from Pittsburgh originally and enjoyed some of the Pittsburgh scenes, including Max’s Allegheny Tavern! Good food there if you like wurst and German food!


Lewis Black- Tragically I need you (2023). Not sure anyone mentioned this- very funny.

Watched “News of the World” tonight. Will be doing a book club discussion on it next week. Some in the group had watched the movie prior to the title selection, so I thought it would be good to see it too. As expected, it covered less than the book. Unexpected was some change of storyline. Still I thought it did a good job capturing the themes of the book.

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Was just on a long flight and watched A Few Good Men and Scent of a Woman. I had forgotten how great those movies were. So much better than many of the current movies I’ve seen.


A Few Good Men is one I stop and watch every time I’m flipping channels.


Considering I love film, I haven’t seen either of these…just looked them up, my D was 4, and we were living an unplugged life in the mountains when they were released. I’ll have to look into them.


New Zealand film from 2010 titled Boy.

Watch entire movie through the credits as the extra parts are great.

Wow, an unplugged life! I don’t even remember what that was like. After all the major movies Al Pacino has made, Scent of a Woman is the only one he has won an Oscar for, and it was well deserved, I think.