Seen any good movies lately?

We’re seeing it tomorrow so great to hear!

Yes, deserving of all the accolades that it has received so far.

Has anyone seen Oppenheimer on imax that does not have 70mm?

Oppenheimer didn’t make me cry, but it made me feel many other emotions. I thought it was very good.


We just saw Oppenheimer in a regular IMAX theater (movie was excellent) and did not feel we missed a thing.


Anyone else Barbenheimer? We did and really enjoyed both movies. Barbie was much better than I expected.


Major discussion of both movies in this thread: Ready To Party.....With Barbenheimer: NO SPOILERS PLEASE - #90 by twoinanddone


Tonight we enjoyed Florence Foster Jenkins (Apple TV). Sweet movie, nice change of pace from murder and crime shows.

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I saw Indiana Jones and the dial of destiny-GREAT family movie with a treasure hunt, secret passages, ocean diving, trains, planes… I would say age 7-8 and up with parents or grandparents, all of whom would have fun. High potential for family re enactment on couches and through gardens.


We saw Barbie and I absolutely loved it. My husband was definitely more meh, but after my daughter’s rave reviews I had to see it, and I was not disappointed.


We saw Oppenheimer yesterday. H loved it. I liked it a lot after the first 30 min or so. My brain doesn’t do well with the fast flipping back and forth and those weird visions scenes. I also don’t do well with most previews and many commercials. I’m also annoyed by movies that are 3 hours long. 2 hours should be the max. But other than that, I really liked it.


Watched Jackie Chan’s ‘Hidden Strike’ on Netflix last night. We are big fans of Jackie Chan (just like the guy). The movie was made in China and he continues to do his own stunts. This is the first movie I believe I have seen of his that he speaks mostly in his native language, which was great. I’m sure there were a lot of jokes I missed. A review in an online Chinese news site talked about the humor in it. Overall entertaining to us.


Saw Barbie. Loved it. All of it. The colors, the music, the characters. My exact words as I stepped out of the theater were “I need to get in on the Broadway show angel money!” I could absolutely see this film as a Broadway show.


My son just saw Barbie for the second time. He loved it. I saw Mission Impossible today and it was nonstop fun. Movie magic at its finest. Who thinks this stuff up?


Annie Hall on HBO Max.I thought I had seen it but neither H nor I had. 1977 was a busy year. It aged very well. Even her glasses are in today. Very witty for the very few who have not seen it.


Just saw Oppenheimer, meh. Maybe I’m the only one out there with that opinion. Saw the Imitation Game again recently, so much better. I like movies that are generally historically true, and the Imitation Game is one of the most interesting and entertaining movies I have seen. Just felt that Oppenheimer focused too much on things that are basically trivial.

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We saw Oppenheimer last week and the review is mixed. We were excited because of the director (Nolan) and wonderful cast (Murphy, Blunt, Downey Jr., Malik, Clarke, Damon, and company), but it was a disappointment. First, it was over a half hour too long. There were about a dozen scenes that could have been cut in half and no one would miss them. Second, it was disjointed, and bounced around to different times; it would have been much better had it flowed chronologically. On the plus side, all the acting was terrific, as one would expect from such a marvelous cast.


My daughter, her best friend and friend’s mom and I saw Barbie. Also completely loved it! It handled the complexity of this cultural icon & brought the patriarchy front & center - all in a fun way lol.

Don’t think my daughter and her friend got all the references - some more geared to moms (along with the vintage Barbie clothes and dolls - some of which I had!)


We watched “The Artifice Girl” last night. $1.99 on Amazon Prime. It’s about a brilliant guy, but with a messed up past, who creates an AI program to catch online pedophiles and is reluctantly brought into the FBI (I think - some govt entity) program. And it follows its (her?) evolution over 50 years.

Very interesting. Only 1:30 too which is a bonus for me.


On our two-day tour of the Normandy beaches, the guide (a real scholar) mentioned “The Longest Day” (1962) quite a few times. I had never seen it, which shocked my husband. We watched the whole thing last night - it’s very long. But wow, it is good. A lot of true stories in it. They changed some facts, just for the flow of the story, but they’re minor details (like which Division used the clickers to identify each other in the field). And what a cast! Try to see if you can find all the famous actors! I thought I had done a pretty good job until I scrolled through the credits and found a lot more names I recognized.

A lot of the filming was done on site. Seeing the scene at the Pointe du Hoc, where the Rangers scaled the cliff, gave us goosebumps.

The other scene that was particularly well-done was when the Allied soldiers in gliders landed right next to the Pegasus bridge and held it. In the movie, they mention a hotel adjacent to the bridge - on our tour we learned that the proprietor of the inn spoke German but didn’t let the occupiers know that. She listened to the officer’s conversations and passed on information to the Allies. It was really helpful when it came time to take the bridge. Apparently, the owner’s daughter now runs the hotel and is not a very nice person. She had a lot of memorabilia that her mother had displayed since there wasn’t a museum nearby. When a museum finally opened, they asked if she would give them some items and she said no! She also yelled at anyone, even veterans, who tried to take photos of the things. The government was in the middle of starting legal proceedings against her when someone realized that she didn’t own the land the hotel was on, she was leasing it from the Port Authority (or something like that). So the agency told her that if she didn’t give the items to the museum, they would terminate her lease. That ended the matter! Our guide said that veterans stopped frequenting the hotel.

I should have been a history major.