Seen any good movies lately?

What is great about The Longest Day is that the German characters speak Germans, the French speak French, etc. Also filming at the actual sites adds an extra dimension, as you mentioned.


I saw Barbie this afternoon. Both cute and powerful. I could watch America Ferrara’s speech over and over. Easy to understand why it has been so successful.


I also saw Barbie today - I hadn’t realized what a good mother/daughter movie it was. Glad my D agreed to see it (again) with me.


Caught a nice little movie on TV today called “East Side Sushi”. We really enjoyed it.


I’ve never seen it. I’ll watch it!

H and I watched Jerry and Marge Go Large last night. What a fun little movie!


Saw Oppenheimer today. Good movie, yes, fun movie, no. We all walked out of the theater very solemnly. Heavy stuff.

On a related note, saw a column in the Boston Globe (I think?) comparing Oppie to Andrei Sakharov. Both were nuclear scientists who eventually recognized their consciences and became advocates for peace and human rights. Told my engineer son and his engineer girlfriend to look him up.


I had no intention of watching Barbie or jumping on the Barbenheimer bandwagon, but after watching Oppenheimer (excellent movie making) I needed some levity and Barbie was perfect as a follow up.


Well, we traveled to L.A. to see D and also to see Oppenheimer in Imax 70 mm. (only 19 in the country). We rarely go to movies and realized after the matinee movie started- that it was a regular screen. The same theatre shows the imax one, too.

So, we got back from the movie- and bought tickets online for the Imax 70 mm showing that same night. What a difference!! It was so much better and the sound, pictures, etc. Interesting comparison. I have no idea if the 70 mm made a difference but the Imax screen was great.


Again, I’m thinking about watching Boyhood, but, again, I don’t know if emotionally I can handle it. I cry during tv, movies, sad commercials, books etc. I can cry at the same thing over and over again! Anyone see it and is it worth the emotional turmoil I’ll most likely endure?

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We had a weather event a couple of weeks ago and lost power. My daughters went to stay with someone who had power but my son and I “roughed it” at home for a little while then went to the movies. Son wanted Oppenheimer, but I wanted to catch whatever was starting next.

We watched Meg2. Yes, it is everything you thought it was, whether you thought good or bad or horrible. The stunts got more and more unrealistic, even beyond comically unrealistic. The plot didn’t exist. The acting was so over the top, it came all the way around and buried itself in the ground. It really was a primer for all the ways to make a terrible movie. But it turned out to be a great father-son time together. And it turned out that where the daughters went to be in “the powered zone” turned out to also be without power. So I picked them up after the movie.

I assumed the power would be back on by the time we returned home. I was wrong. It was out a total of ~38 hours, spanning the afternoons of two 95 degree days with 90%+ humidity.


Sorry about the power outages! Unfortunately we’ve had several lately too, but our longest was around 8 hours. I hope all was well at your house… that’s long enough to worry about the fridge/freezer items.

On the movie front… and this is diverging from “good” movies… some of our silliest enjoyable movie moments have involved purposely watching bad movies. We used to have Sharknado movie nights… with themed food, folded newspaper hats with shark fins drawn on… ridiculous silly family time. Maybe when the Meg movie comes to streaming we will look at watching it for a laugh.


Saw it in theater years ago when it came out. Thought it would be a real tearjerker for me (I cry easily), but I didn’t shed many tears. I think some of that was because I felt it was awfully long. Had expected to love it, but just liked it instead.


@Leigh22 , watch it. I don’t recall it perfectly but I recall telling DH that he’d been a fool to have avoided it.

Besides, it’s an interesting pieces of film-making.


I watched it on the plane back from vacation the other day. I enjoyed it, especially the couple relationship since my husband and I both retired this summer. Maybe we should start playing the lottery :grinning:.


I saw Boyhood when it first came out—probably 10 years ago. I enjoyed it—I’m a fan of Ethan Hawke. It’s fascinating to see how the actors change over the years. The movie is filmed over a period of 12 years, IIRC. I remember thinking it was more like a really interesting documentary than a movie. I would definitely recommend watching!


We just saw Grand Turismo. I’m not a racing fan, nor a gamer (at all), but I loved this movie. I am a big sports in general fan and love an underdog story. The main actor was also just so likeable. And Hopper (from stranger things) was great too. And the Dad.

And the theater was empty in anticipation for $4 day tomorrow. There were 6 others in there with us.


I saw Blue Beetle, the movie that knocked Barbie from the top of the box office, on Sunday in IMAX for $4. While this not a genre I usually choose to watch, I enjoyed it very much. It had a good mix of comedy and action with a great message about the importance of family.


I remember enjoying it. It was definitely an interesting piece of filmmaking. I didn’t think it was quite as wonderful as the reviews made out. Honestly I don’t remember it that well, but I don’t think it was a tearjerker particularly.

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I remember loving it.