Seen any good movies lately?

I really enjoyed Boyhood, especially the way you got to see the children age over time. My husband was not a fan.

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ShawWife and I just watching Living. It is a small film, but very special. Its lead actor, Bill Nighy, is almost always fantastic in his understated British way and he is here as well. Slow pace, but really worth seeing.


My husband recommended “The Beanie Bubble” (An Apple original about the Beanie Baby founder and helpers). We enjoyed it.


I just watched “The Wife” with Glenn Close and really enjoyed it. She gave an amazing performance.


I watched that with Close (and Pryce?) a few days ago and really enjoyed watching her. She has amazing eyes that express so much.


We watched Heart of Stone on Netflix. Not a brilliant movie but ShawWife and I agree that Gal Gadot is wonderful to watch. Not clear why (she’s attractive but no more attractive than other actresses but somehow she is captivating). Glenn Close was in the cast as well.


That’s interesting because my H and I think she is a terrible actress. We liked Wonder Woman, but nothing else we’ve seen her in.

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Watched “The Hill” last weekend. Might have shed a tear or two. Didn’t know what exactly to expect going in. Great, inspirational movie.


Thanks. Sometimes I like not knowing too much about a movie. I get annoyed when a trailer tells the whole plot.


We saw Theater Camp at an artsy movie theater yesterday and really enjoyed it.


We recently watched Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. It’s an older movie (2005) starring Robert Downey Jr and Val Kilmer. After about 15 minutes my husband said to me, I don’t think I can take this, and I said, “I don’t know, I think it’s kind of interesting how they are playing around with the genre.” In the end he came around, but it is a weird little movie. I’ve seen it described as neo-noir, but I think meta-noir might be more apt.

If you have Hulu, just noticed today that Banshees of Inisherin is back on Hulu, for those that haven’t seen it.


Saw it. Probably glad we did. Though… it was a tough movie, not what I expected.


Definitely not what one would suspect. Very good, but shocking!

I’m late to the party but just watched My Octopus Teacher. Wow. Just wow. Beautiful. I understand why it won the Academy Award.


Tough to watch but well done. And such a gorgeous setting. My son was just visiting the Aran Islands and sent a pic of himself with “Jenny”, an adorable donkey he passed on a long walk.


One movie critic wrote a column describing Banshees as an allegory of the Irish Civil War, which is going on in the background, off-island. I mean, think about it: after fighting the British for what, 400 years, the Irish get their independence and what do they do? Start fighting amongst themselves. Makes no sense, like the feud between the two main characters.


Watched Love Again on Netflix. Not impressed. I was hoping for a rom com…

‘Stand and Deliver’ a 1988 movie about calculus in East LA High School -we watched on Max last night. I don’t know how H knew about it but I did not (could have been because I had a 2 yr old running around when it came out). Obviously an older movie but true story was fascinating to me. Really good acting, the teacher was nominated for Best Actor Academy Award.


There’s that scene (it’s been 35 years so excuse the likely errors but I hope I captured the essence of it)
“this math is not taught till college”
“no, at my son’s school it’s offered” and the :exploding_head: moment.

At that time I had never heard of either precalculus or calculus. :smile:

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