Seen any good movies lately?

Well in 1973-1974 in my senior year I took the first calculus class offered at my high school. We had NO AP classes offered at all.


I was in the top math class honors section Senior year (73-74). When I took calculus in college I realized it was pre-cal. No AP classes offered.

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A little late here. I went to see Oppenheimer on the 70MM IMAX screen in San Francisco and didn’t think it was at all worth paying extra for the larger screen. I never saw it on a smaller screen so can’t compare. If I remember right, the price difference was $6 for a regular screen matinee vs. $16 for the 70MM IMAX matinee.

Just watched Bama Rush. A bit disappointed. I have encountered families who were involved with sororities at the University of Alabama. Intense. Mothers & daughters viewed sorority life as more important than any other aspect of attending a university. (Have a family member who was head of her sorority at a Southern university & served as the national head of that sorority and she was not as intense about sorority life as was/is the average U Alabama sorority members that I have encountered.)

Not sure, but my impression is that sororities are of the highest priority at U Alabama and at SMU. Two of my favorite schools, but for different reasons.

(Haven’t read the entire thread.)

I recommend 7 Prisoners (2021). From Brazil. On Netflix. Modern day slave trade. Enables viewers to understand why so many from Latin America risk their lives to come to the US.

Award winning movie that drags a bit. Just endure the repetitive minutes as this movie will make an impact upon any viewer.


Anatomy of a Fall - here, the fall has 3 meanings: a literal fall from a chalet in the Alps (pushed, slipped/fell, suicide?); fall of a marriage, privately then publicly dissected along with the wife&writer, because she’s a successful writer; the “fall” of the film (I wanted to talk about it!)
You empathize with all the characters and never know what to believe. It’s not a suspense movie per se but the suspense is constant - you don’t see time pass. Quite an amazing film.


Now here’s a movie I need to see in IMAX!


One of the best! Saw it on the big screen a few years ago and along with several others in the audience, danced my heart out!

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Just watched Love at First Sight on Netflix (released yesterday). It was excellent. It is hard for me to find a movie with a good story paired with great chemistry between the actors. Haven’t seen one this good since The Noel Diary almost a year ago.


Thanks! I liked Noel Diary movie.

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Following recommendation here - just watched Love at First Sight - loved it!

Echos of Love Actually. Great, subtle acting, sweet story, not too long - charming!


Looking forward to watching Dumb Money :laughing:

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Just finished watching a 58 minute documentary film titled Ordinary Men on Netflix. recently added to Netflix. insightful, disturbing, and relevant.

Glad you liked it! I noticed that it has been the #1 movie on Netflix every day since it was released.


H and I watched Love at First Sight last weekend and thought it was a cute story too.


We watched The Butler last weekend. Very powerful and moving.


Thanks! We have Amazon Prime, so I’ve added The Butler to my watchlist.

Last week, H and I went to see A Haunting in Venice , which is based on an Agatha Christie novel. I have read all of Agatha Christie’s books (a long time ago), and think Kenneth Branagh’s portrayal of Inspector Hercule Poirot in this film is spot on. Other actors–Kelly Riley (Yellowstone), Tina Fey, and Michelle Yeoh–all gave good performances. Overall, I liked this film much better than earlier films based on Christie’s novels. The cinematography–strikingly beautiful scenes of Venice and the palazzo where all the action takes place–was top notch.


Theater Camp! Saw in theater last weekend but it’s on Hulu. Hilarious :joy: