Seen any good movies lately?

H and I both enjoyed The Burial on Amazon Prime last night. Jamie Foxx and Tommy Lee Jones were both excellent.

Thursday will mark the 50th anniversary of the release of The Way We Were. It’s not my absolute favorite, but in the top ~20, and the only one on my list that is older than I am. Love the song, and hear it in my playlist frequently, but I haven’t seen the movie in a long time. Will make time to reconnect soon. Anyone else a fan?


Another vote for Burial on Amazon Prime. It’s a true story with a great ending!

We finally watched the live action The Little Mermaid. Ursula stole the show, although Halle Bailey was also perfect as Ariel. The rest of the cast was meh… I was also not impressed with how underwhelming and small Sebastian the crab and Flounder looked. The most impressive was the cinematography and special effects though. The major part of the movie took place underwater, and the underwater scenes looked very real despite obviously filmed on land. Three stars out of five here.

Saw 3 movies on 2 flights recently:

—finally saw Frozen, after being perhaps the only person to not have scene it. Visually it was stunning, story OK. After filling in "Elsa’ into more crossword puzzles than I can count, I was surprised that the movie is really about Anna, not Elsa.

—saw The Lost King, about the amateur archeologist who found the remains of Richard III under a parking lot in Leicester. Interesting movie, touched on issues of history being written by the winners (in this case, the Tudors), who needed to demonize Richard III to legitimize their reign.

—saw the latest Indiana Jones movie. Hey, it’s Indiana Jones—fun, and totally unrealistic.


That sounds like a great set of movies.

What, Elsa is not the star? (Also do too many crossword puzzles.)

Anyone who has read Josephine Tey’s Daughter of Time knows that Richard III may not actually have been a bad guy.

In the movie Philippa Langley, the woman who found Richard III, makes that point about Richard III being a legitimate monarch of England. She mentions many of the enlightened things he did as king, and a postscript at the end of the film mentions that she finally convinced the royal family, in 2018, to add Richard III to their list of ancestors on the royal website (he previously had been left out, as a “usurper” to the throne). She also mentions he probably did not kill the princes in the tower, was not a hunchback (scoliosis maybe), and that paintings had been altered by the Tudor propaganda machine to make Richard look more menacing. She also fought so that his tomb in Leicester Cathedral had a royal seal on it, a sign of being an English monarch.

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If you liked Hidden Figures, you will likely like A Million Miles Away on Amazon Prime. Great movie!


My daughter was always Team Anna and wanted me to make her an Anna dress with the embroidery and skirt inserts. I said no. She was in her 20s.

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The Richard III painting I know makes him look sad and a little contemplative.

The movie showed a painting of Richard III, and also showed the original version before it was redone with more sinister looking facial features. Assume this was true, and not made up by the screenwriters…

History is written by the victors. Richard III’s legacy is in no small part promulgated by Shakespeare. The play was written during the reign of Elizabeth I, whose grandfather, Henry VII, gained the throne after Richard’s death at Bosworth Field, ending the War of the Roses. Shakespeare is widely viewed as having a bias to put his Tudor and Stuart patrons in a good light.


My best friend and I rented a house in Pahoa (Big Island), Hawaii who was one of the original “hidden figures” - after she retired, she moved to HI and was contacted by their something or other department of something (I honestly can’t recall) and went to work for them being one of a elite set of folks. Her stories were amazing. We only got to meet her because my H wanted to send us flowers for Valentine’s Day, and he contacted her to find out where/how. Interesting woman.


Love , love , love Daughter of Time!!

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Just watched “Past Lives” about childhood sweethearts who meet up again in NYC - 24 years later - beautiful, delicate, and elegant film!


My friend just posted a video of her son and his friend watching the Taylor Swift movie. They have Down syndrome. She’s fist pumping and dancing in her seat, he’s got his face resting on his fist and rolling his eyes. It is very cute.


Yes,I like it & some of my relatives remain big fans of Redford and Streisand. Have come across it on some old movie channel- the commercials ruin the experience.

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Saw this last night with my husband- (on sale now at Amazon prime! :slight_smile: . It was fantastic. I have similar background as the female lead but I don’t think that’s the only reason it resonated with me. The entire movie was like a poetry.
It also reminded me of Before Sunrise which I also loved.


Yes, shishamo - it reminded me of poetry too. The spaces between what was said conveyed so much feeling and complexity. Just beautiful.

I just saw Killers of the Flower Moon. I thought it was wonderful. Cinematography, acting, story etc. This is a movie to see on the big screen. IMO both DeNiro and Lily Gladstone give Oscar worthy performances.
I wondered aloud to my kid when we were leaving how I am continually shocked by man’s lack of morality and simple decency.