Seen any good movies lately?

My neighborhood bookclub just talked about the Guernsey Potato pEel… book last night. It would be nice to see the movie.

@bookworm, I think that movie goes to Netflix on August 10th.

I watched Call Me By Your Name last night, representing the last of this year’s big Oscar contenders that I saw. Apart from thinking it was really beautiful, and that Timothee Chalamet is clearly a gifted actor, I was really underwhelmed. It was slow and not very interesting. Sometimes it felt like Chalamet and Armie Hammer were acting in different movies, so completely different were the tones of their performances. I had to do some work stuff during one of the sex scenes, and I didn’t bother to pause it, because I didn’t care much. It was very Merchant-Ivory-ish – rich cosmopolitans in Italy conflicted about sex, lots of period color for no particular reason. The scene with the father toward the end was both moving and a little creepy, for the sense that the father was living out his own unresolved fantasies through his son. Yuck.

@JHS, I share some of your sentiments. I almost walked out of the theater, not because I was offended or uncomfortable, but because I was so bored.

I would think college students would like to watch “American Animals”, it is definitely not a typical heist movie, it is more about American culture than the criminal act itself. I would think it might resonate with college age kids more. But then these could be just an older person’s thoughts?

It’s a hot day and on the spur of the moment at the mall I decided to try a movie I never heard of, Hearts Beat Loud. It’s the bittersweet story of a Brooklyn dad and his daughter the summer before she leaves for college and the dad’s last-ditch effort to form a band with her. I had not heard of the main stars, but supporting actors include Toni Collette, Ted Danson and Blythe Danner.

The actress/singer who plays the girl, Kiersy Clemons, is amazingly good. The music is great as well.

So go see it if it’s playing near you.

The Notorious RBG and the Mr Rogers documentary were the two most recent movies we have seen.
They were both excellent. Such singularly focused powerful people while having a wonderful humanity about them.
Strategically I question RBG’s not retiring while having the ability to replace her with a Justice with similar values.
With our recent events our Supreme Court is going to be terribly unbalanced which is frightening! End of rant.

Mentioned above - The Guernsey Literary & Potato Peel Society is coming to Netflix, but maybe on August 12 instead of the August 10 I had read earlier. The trailer in this link says August 10, but the article says August 12. Sounds like it will be a good one for those of us who loved Downton Abbey with several DA actors.

I posted this on the World Cup thread but thought I would also post here–

Did anyone else see the documentary Nossa Chape airing on Fox Sports? It is about the rebuilding of the Chapecoense soccer team after the 2016 plane crash that killed almost its entire team and coaching/management staff. The film is very interesting and, of course, moving. It looks like there are a few more showings, including tomorrow (7/4) evening.

I watched it the other night. I agree it was quite moving.

Has anyone seen 1945?

Saw the most recent Jurrasic movie and was disappointed. Plot line of evil greedy people is really old and was poorly done. Yawned through the movie except when they got to the true action parts.

CameoKid and I liked Ocean’s 8. We plan to see the Incredibles and Jurassic films later this week. I loved the documentary on Fred Rogers. When she was little, she did watch Barney, MrRogers, and Sesame Street. Barney scared her. Though I liked the SNL parodies of Mr Rogers, I always appreciated his focus on kindness and doing the right thing. Jim Henson was also an incredibly kind and generous man. When I was in High school, I had the privilege of doing a 3 month internship at Sesame Street. It was a really wonderful experience — and probably the most fun I’ll ever have while working! Lol

I also feel we wasted our money on the Jurassic movie. Not only was it “same old, same old,” too much of it was totally unbelievable from a human behavior and “what happens” perspective - way too much for my preference TBH. The lads and H enjoyed it though. They also like Super Hero movies and I don’t, so perhaps that’s the difference. I need my Sci-Fi to be believable aside from the actual Sci-Fi part (like dinosaurs or time travel or whatever). There were a couple of cute lines appealing to my love of comedy, so at least that broke up a wee bit of the boredom.

Having read the book Arrival, (short stories), I avoided the movie, because I couldn’t imagine it would do the story justice. Such a beautiful and imaginative story!

For the perso who said it “didn’t obey the rules” i.e., natural laws, the book is well-grounded in theoretical physics. I don’t know if they made “movie changes” to make it “work” for film…sort of why I avoided it.

Jurassic World is not a movie I would have chosen to see on my own-not my genre at all, but son wanted to see it and really wanted me to come. Prior to this I hadn’t seen any of this series in the theatres or even sat through an entire movie at home and I guess son thought I needed an education, lol! I opted not to pass on a chance to spend time with a kid who will be out of the house in a year. So now, in the last few weeks, I’ve seen, in their entirety, all the Jurassic Park movies, including the new one. They aren’t completely all the same—some are even worse than the others, and son was kind enough to let me know ahead of time which movies were the worst. I have to say I was especially entertained in the newest movie in the moment where the dinosaur is roaring from the top of a building while silhouetted by the full moon. It reminded me of a few summers ago when son binge watched all the Godzilla movies.

I have known for a long time that I don’t require the same things from movies that people who go to the movies more often require. When movie connoisseurs find a movie boring or hackneyed I probably won’t because I don’t see that many movies. So I enjoyed Jurassic World. I don’t go to any movies that feature or might feature human violence or cruelty to other humans so dinosaur peril is a way of getting movie thrills for me.

I enjoyed the Mr. Rogers movie; very glad I made the effort to go and see it. Thanks for the recommendations.

On Netflix, but a new movie: Set It Up.

Spouse and I watched it because we read that it was a first-rate rom-com. Guess what? It’s a first-rate rom-com. Maybe not as good as, say, Four Weddings And A Funeral or The Philadelphia Story, but probably the best of this genre I can remember in years. Zoey Deutch is adorable (and reminded me that she was adorable in Everybody’s Got To Get Some and Why Him?), the guy is perfectly serviceable as The Guy, and Taye Diggs and Lucy Liu have a bunch of fun as sociopathic achievers. Well written, with post-modern sensibility (the characters spend time debating which movie they are re-creating). Two tag-lines I thought were sensational, one of which was apparently cribbed from William Faulkner (but from a not-so-famous essay; I had never heard it before).

^what’s it about? It rings a bell as a classic???