Seen any good movies lately?

RBG is streaming on Hulu now, and I think you can get a free trial subscription if you don’t have Hulu already.

I saw If Beale Street Could Talk. This is one of the few movies where I disagree with the critics. It was too slow for us. I did enjoy Kiki Layne (Tish) and hope to see more of her in the future.

S and I saw Beale Street last night. It was beautifully made, but yes, slow. Lots of fine acting.

I must say that Ed Skrein totally creeps me out every time I see him. Maybe he’s a nice guy in real life, but it is verryyy hard for me to believe!

I flew back from Europe on an 8 hour flight and since I had finished all the books I’d brought with me, I watched movies:

Chappaquidick - an event that I remembered vaguely from my childhood. The movie was really good, low key but well acted and very interesting. I am not certain how accurate aspects of it are, but I am a history buff and a Kennedy supporter, so I enjoyed it.

Bad Moms 2 - Very low class, very low brow, very tacky. I LOVED IT! I adore Christine Baranski in anything, from Cybill on. I thought the mom and daughter casting was pretty good.

I, Tonya - This movie brought me to tears. I always preferred Tonya to perfect Nancy, even back in the day, but this movie just coalesced for me the tragedy of her life. The actress who played the mother was just wonderful in her depiction of a totally unfit mother.

Crazy Rich Asians - H and I saw this. I had read the book and felt that the movie was fairly accurate. The book was so detail filled and there was such minutiae that it would be hard to get it all in to a movie. H misunderstood the inflection of the title and thought it was about wealthy people who were mentally ill and not people who were fantastically wealthy. He loved the movie and sobbed throughout. We can’t wait for the next installment.

Haven’t seen it yet - but I have tickets to see “They Shall Not Grow Old” tonight. I hear it’s really good!

I saw Crazy Rich Asians on our way home from our Hong Kong sojourn. It seemed very appropriate! I thought it was great fun and very well cast.

@techmom99, I’ve seen three of the four you mentioned (not Crazy Rich Asians). I had “Bad Moms’ Christmas” on in the background while I was taking down my very minimal Christmas tree a few weeks ago. Perfect accompaniment!

@rosered55 -

It’s really a low class, trashy movie in many ways, but it has a nice message about the importance of family. Our tree this year was so minimal it was non-existent…

My D saw the RBG movie the other day and told me that I would love it. She knows that my struggles as a female attorney were true but that people like RBG helped open the way for women like me.

I was hoping Crazy Rich Asians would be funny.

It is. I told H that every time they said something about an overprotective “Asian” mother, they could change it to “Jewish” mother.

@scout59 I am also heading to see They Shall Not Grow Old today. Looking forward to it.

I thought Crazy Rich Asians was really funny! I could relate to the overprotective mother completely. I had one!

I thought Crazy Rich Asians would be the somewhat like My Big Fat Greek Wedding which was really funny.

I liked Stan and Ollie. Not perfect, but an interesting glimpse into their later years.

I have been very interested in the WW1 period for decades, so I found They Shall Not Grow Old totally absorbing. I think it should be so even for those who aren’t into the period.

Thanks to whoever it was who recommended Love, Gilda a few pages back. I recorded it and it sat on my DVR until last night. Loved it!

Saw Glass. It was a satisfying conclusion to the trilogy after Unbreakable and Split. McAvoy is impressive and deserves nominations but January releases rarely, if ever, do. Silence of the Lambs was one of the few non-fall entries.

I saw They Shall Not Grow Old today. Thank you to all here who brought this film to my attention. I also enjoyed hearing about the making of the film after the credits.
I saw Glass this weekend and my husband and I both enjoyed it. McAvoy was amazing! You definitely need to see the first two movies before seeing this one.

Today I watched Eighth Grade on amazon prime. It made me shudder in the first five minutes, remembering back to those days. It was an interesting movie. It made me glad I didn’t go through those years with the internet and cell phones like kids today.

@Consolation and @hawkbird - I was impressed with “They Shall Not Grow Old.” A very sobering movie that told me all I needed to know about the horrors of WWI.

What did you think, @JazzyTXMom ?