Self Learning a Language

Hi, I am a Chinese American and currently taking Chinese 3 in school. Junior year I will be taking AP Chinese. I would like however to learn Spanish. I think that on my transcript, it will seem very lazy of me to take my own language. I was thinking about learning Spanish over the summer and then try and take AP Spanish senior year. Opinions?

No, if you grew up in Beijing and were taking Chinese 3, that would be perceived as lazy. Even if your parents spoke the language at home, you would still need to learn how to read and write it. Plus, often, parents do no speak with grammatical correctness.

You were thinking of trying to learn 3 years of Spanish in 3 months? Easier said than done.

Sorry, I meant over the next year and 3 months, I am currently a sophomore and want to take AP Spanish as a senior

You should try duolingo. It’s a website and an app. I’ve been using it to learn Spanish outside of class and my Spanish is getting a lot better.

Thanks for the tip :smiley: