<p>Earlier today, I borrowed a book from my favorite teacher, who happens to be my Political Science and AP Euro History teacher. This book is the Introduction to Comparative Politics book. About ten minutes ago, while looking up what exams have DBQs for my friend to prove to her that IB Exams have DBQs, I learned that there is an AP Comparative Government & Politics exam!</p>
<p>So basically, has anyone taken it / is anyone taking an AP Comparative Gov class / does anyone know how plausible it would be to self-study for the exam?</p>
<p>I took the exam and got a 5…I also took the class, though. A lot of it is memorization, so I guess you could self study, but the class was amazing. If they do offer a class for AP Comparative Govt, take it.</p>
<p>I am currently self-studying AP Comparative Government. Many people on this forum told me that this exam was not difficult at all to study for, and I am finding that to be true. Comparative Government is also extremely interesting. I have not taken the exam (like I said, I am self-studying and the test won’t come until May), but I feel like I have enough time to sufficiently prepare myself for the exam. If you are offered a class, you may want to take it, as I do not know what kind of a learner you are. If they don’t offer it, then you could definitely self-study. If you choose to self-study, I suggest you follow the advice of many people on this forum and purchase the Ethel Woods AP Comparative Government and Politics: A Study Guide 4th Edition. At first I was skeptical, as I didn’t really like the book. Now however, as I’ve gotten farther in, I find myself enjoying it and becoming more and more interested. It seems that many people read this book only and make a 5. So yes, you could definitely self-study this subject. I hope I helped :D</p>
<p>Thanks guys!
That really helped solidify the fact that I really do want to take this exam. I just have to talk my guidance counselor into it haha. I wish I could take the class, but the closest thing we have at my school is Political Institute, which I’m already taking. I’ll definitely purchase that book first change I get, harvardbound95! Thank you guys! :)</p>
<p>Your welcome! Yeah, my school doesn’t even have a class that is remotely related… they stink haha. Oh, and if your counselor says no (they shouldn’t, but just in case), you can contact the college board, and they will set you up with a school near you who is offering the test. If you want to talk more about the exam and stuff later, feel free to PM me. I don’t know much more than you most likely, but it always helps to have someone who is doing the same thing to talk to. Maybe we can help each other study… Either way: Good luck! :)</p>
<p>No problem! In addition to the book, I would also recommend that you keep up to date with current events in the countries. I thought the exam was not bad and it was easy to bull crap an answer on the essay when I didn’t know it. I love AP Comp Govt…took it last year and my mom has been teaching it at my high school for about 15 years. If you have any questions, let me know.</p>
<p>I did it last year. Used Ethel Woods only (and for only about a week before the exam) and got a 5. Not very hard.</p>
<p>currently taking it online! very interesting course</p>
<p>ohh dancepsychlove i’ll definitely be in touch with you haha. ask your mom if she knows of any good websites where i can keep more up to date. i use lemonde and bbc and cnn, but that doesn’t cover much of nigeria or iran or russia =/</p>
<p>Ethel Woods review book. Your guide to a 5.</p>
<p>Looking at current events gives you a crapload of stuff to use for the DBQ.</p>
<p>and whoever thought IB Exams don’t have DBQs is an idiot.</p>