Self-studying AP exams

Which APs are the easiest to study and why? Also, what resources did you use and what books are the best for that particular exam? Additionally, I am self studying 2 APs this year and are review/prep books enough? Help and recommendations are very much appreciated!

Why do you want to self study any, particularly since you are a freshman? Self studying really adds nothing to your college app, particularly when the question posed is “Which APs are the easiest to study?”

Rumor has it that APES and AP Comp Sci Principles are relatively easy AP courses. Seriously, get outside and enjoy the sun a little. Play a sport and/or get a PT job.

Thanks! I am self-studying APES already and I am pretty sure I am taking Comp sci principles next year. I also do taekwondo and I do many things outside of school as well (clubs, etc) . I want to self study as many as I can because my goal is to be the state AP scholar.

Did you read the comments on your other post? Self-studying for APs is not the best use of your time.

As skieurope has stated, self-study any AP adds nothing to your college application. Being a state or national AP scholar also means nothing to a college. Colleges want you to take the most rigorous courses available to you at your school, and none of them will be impressed by self-study of any AP, even the more difficult ones. If you’re truly interested in certain subject that happens to coincide with one of the APs, or want to get potential credit for some college course at certain colleges, study it by all means (for other benefit, but not for college admission) and you likely need to go much beyond what’s covered by the AP material/exam.

FYI, this is a moot point as the AP scholar awards are bring eliminated.

Actually, I discussed this with the College Board and they are not. The Trevor Packer tweet is wrong. Also, on their website you can still see the different awards for the upcoming year.

Whether the awards continue or not, they are not decision factors for top college admits.

You claim to have spoken with CB and numerous adcoms, but what you write seems to miss an understanding of what does advance chances.