Self-Studying for AP Physics 1?

Hello! I am going into junior year with the goal of self-studying for AP Physics 1. I have not taken any prior physics classes. The highest level of math that I have completed so far is precalculus. I am aware that AP Physics 1 has a significantly lower pass rate than most AP exams. Furthermore, I know its considered one of the harder APs and contain many conceptual topics. Would a couple of prep books and a year’s worth of time be adequate enough for me to get a 4 or 5? In the past, I have self studied for AP Psychology and AP Gov and have received 5s on both of them. Is self studying a risky thing to do for AP Physics 1?

AP Psychology is considered one of the easiest AP courses with a lesser amount of content. AP Physics on the other hand is said to be one of the most challenging AP exams (look at the 5 rate) and has a lot of content. If you believe you’ll be committed, then stick with it and give it a shot. IF not I recommend just take it in class