<p>I need books that will help me self study Java.</p>
<p>For those who have taken Computer Science I - Java or will be taking AP Computer Science next year, what book did you / are you using to prepare for the AP class? What book did your teacher use to teach the class? I was going to take a course over the summer, but thought it'd be better to self study instead.</p>
<p>I used Java Programming from the Beginning to actually learn Java, and then used the prep book by Maria Litvin to learn the AB stuff and to review everything.</p>
<p>People actually bother learning java? Wow, seems to me that the language will become obsolete in the coming years. I guess it would be a good learning experience for aspiring programmers though.</p>
<p>Java sucks sooooo much. I know loads about C++, C#, Perl, and Python, but nothing about java and still got a 4 on the AB exam. As long as you understand basic programming concepts, just take a look at the javadocs and learn the hierarchy of classes and you'll get a 4 or 5 easily.</p>
<p>I'm in the same situation... is there a really good place online I can learn it? (Other than their site... or if you could tell me what I need from their site.)</p>
<p>Hit me up on AIM. My PM box is full, but I can help you out.</p>
<p>JAVA's nothing special, though. Take it from someone who has spent two years learning it. You're better off picking up another language with more practical uses.</p>
<p>I personally dislike Java as well. Too strict and cumbersome and nonefficient. But hey, it's what Collegeboard says is considered "computer science" so what can we do but follow along.</p>
<p>Good luck =) I'll be taking the exam with you.</p>
<p>Oh, and we use Leon Schram's Exposure Java.
Unfortunately, he can't do web programming worth crap: his</a> website</p>
<p>I like Java because Java is primarily a language of web back-ends and as most back-ends host on Linux machines -- Java kicks ass. Plus, no one will argue that Hibernate for Java is much better than for C# (although NHib is getting better and better over time). However, .NET 3.5 is really kicking Java's ass -- especially LINQ and all that syntactic stuff. C++ ftmfw though!</p>
<p>Anyway, there are two ways:</p>
<p>a) If you don't know crap about programming -- get Thinking in Java.
b) If you know C++ or C# -- just start programming with JDK and Google.</p>