Self-teaching the following APs:

<p>Psychology, Micro- and Macroeconomics and Statistics. I'm starting this month and I've never done Psychology or Statistics before. I've done a little Economics when I was still at school. Besides the review books, are there any other suggestions you guys have about how much time I should dedicate to each, study methods, etc...</p>


<p>Psychology sounds like a lot of memorization. I would just read the book over and over again for that. Statistics is a bit harder… just make sure you can recognize which computation to do for what type of problems. P.S. Use Barron’s for stats.</p>

<p>Awesome. Any specific pre-requisites needed for Stats?</p>

<p>I doubt that there are any pre-reqs for AP Stat. I’ve heard that it is very easy and its all graphing.</p>

<p>Use Barron’s for AP Psych, too, and you’re golden. :]</p>

<p>Algebra II is typically prerequisite for AP stats so you should be fine.</p>

<p>For Micro and Macroeconomics, do you guys suggest the Princeton review book? I read on amazon that many were complaining about the Barron’s one.</p>

<p>For AP Statistics, learn your calculator well. Know all the STATS apps and stuff.</p>