<p>What, in y'alls opinion, is the best theological seminary(no Ivy League Divinity Schools, planning on ministry not pretentious religious liberalism)</p>
<p>"pretentious religious liberalism"</p>
<p>Heh... then maybe you belong at Bob Jones U. or Liberty U. or Oral Roberts U. Instead of "pretentious religious liberalism", you'll get
"obnoxious/arrogant religious conservatism." Maybe that's more your speed.</p>
<p>I think it highly depends on what denomination (if any) you choose to preach. Ask your current pastor for advice on good divinity schools.</p>
<p>As for one I think is amazing is Duke University...It appears to cater to nearly all denominations and the people I've met that are enrolled there are all very amazing people.</p>
<p>Bob Jones, Liberty, and ORU make me sick. I'm a moderate myself as a member of the Baptist General Convention of Texas(which is in no way shape of form associated with the Southern Baptist Convention). I just want a place where people are focused on spreading the gospel of Christ, not suggesting wacko theories that go completely against the solid facts presented in the bible(therefore, no ultra-conservative or ultra-liberal)</p>
<p>I apologize for my tone... even if you were an ultra-conservative, my sarcasm was completely uncalled for... Please accept my apologies.</p>
<p>I would add Dallas Theological Seminary and Fuller Theological Seminary - they are evangelical, conservative (but not extreme), and prestigious.</p>
<p>what about princeton theological?</p>