<p>Hi everybody. I was just accepted to Stanford with no (initial) financial aid, but due to circumstances the CSS Profile doesn't cover (and the FAFSA won't), my family cannot pay full price.
I submitted a financial aid revision request to Stanford with a letter explaining my circumstances, but I've also applied to other private universities that I'm hoping will give me better FA.
So here's my question. Should I send this letter to other schools I've applied to, for consideration if I get in?
If I send it now, I have a better chance of getting adequate FA with my first decision letters. Right now, money is a deciding factor, and so I want to be able to compare schools and prices without worrying about how soon the FA office will reply to my request.
On the other hand, this letter is my best hope to make my dream schools feasible. I'm worried that if I submit it now, it could be misplaced or overlooked, and I'd have no idea it wasn't considered.
<p>Somebody please help. I have basically one chance to go to a private school, and I’m not sure what to do.</p>