<p>"In addition to the masses of consumers currently paying down their student loans, there are millions of Americans who are either about to pick a financial aid package for college or are just being hit with their first post-college loan payments. So we figured it was a good time to take some questions on the subject.</p>
<p>Luckily, Rohit Chopra, Assistant Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and the agencys first Student Loan Ombudsman, has agreed to respond to questions from Consumerist readers about student loans. ...</p>
<p>"... maybe you just want to ask about rising tuition costs, the private student loan market, co-signed loans, or any other financial matters related to these loans.</p>
<p>So if you have a question for Mr. Chopra, send it to <a href="mailto:tips@consumerist.com">tips@consumerist.com</a> with 'DEAR ROHIT' in the subject line. He will provide us with the responses, which we will then post in the coming weeks."</p>
<p>A good opportunity to hear from an expert.</p>
<p>Send</a> Us Your Questions For The CFPBs Student Loan Ombudsman ? The Consumerist</p>