sending FAFSA at different times to different schools

<p>I know there has been a thread about this, but I didn't want to list all my schools at the same time on the FAFSA, so I sent it to 3 schools and now want to send it to 3 more. I tried to go back in and do this, but the only way it will let me is if I delete my first 3 schools, which I don't necessarily want to do (I don't think so anyway) as I have no way of knowing if it's been sent to the first 3 schools yet. If it says "processed" does that mean it's been SENT to the first 3 schools? </p>


<p>If you received the report back from FAFSA (they call it SAR), then it went to the original schools. You can open the SAR on the web site. Then, you go into the corrections part of the site, delete the first schools, and add the next schools. Actually, I don't know if you need to delete the first ones since there is room for more than six on the form. Try to leave the first ones there and just add the next ones, and see if that works. Or, you can call the FAFSA folks and ask them what to do. They are very nice and very helpful. They may even do it over the phone for you.</p>