Sending in resume, letters of rec, etc URGENT! THX

<p>I just turned in my Swarthmore ED form on common app last friday.
I do have some extra things i want to send in by mail though:
-Resume: detailed description of extracurricular activities
-Two letters of rec (additional to teachers)
^^^I go to a boarding school so I was gonna send in one letter from my dorm parent (im a prefect). I also have a letter from my headmaster and my Dean of Students would be glad to write one for me if needed.
The really important questions is when is the last day i can send all the extra things in?
please everyone kinda urgent ty all</p>

<p>You should really try to have a complete application. The latest date by which you must send in those materials IS the ED deadline, which I guess may have passed. If you don’t get those materials to Swat soon they will likely go unreviewed.</p>

<p>I don’t see anything on your list of extras that is likely to make a bit of difference in a thumbs up or down on your application.</p>

<p>If you want to send them, I would suggest FedEx or other overnight delivery to arrive this week. I’m sure they are already starting to read Early Decision folders.</p>