Sending SAT Scores to Colleges

  1. I used the 4 free scores and sent them after I took the Oct. 2016 SAT, will that send to colleges ALL of my previous scores too?
  2. How can I see which colleges I sent my scores to? How can I see which scores have been sent?
  1. Colleged Board always sends all tests it has for you unless you specifically exercise score choice and chose to withhold one or more prior test scores. Thus, all scores were sent unless you knowingly chose to do otherwise.
  2. You would have listed the colleges in your test registration. I assume you know which you listed. If you cannot recall, then I am not sure, but you might need to call CB and ask them which colleges you listed if you cannot get into that part of your registration now.

If you listed the colleges as your free sends, then your scores most likely have already been sent and received by the colleges (they are sent electronically usually a day or two before the scores are released to you online, and the time of sending is the same as the time of receipt). Check your online application file of the colleges to which you have applied to see if the college is showing it as part of your file yet (although that can sometimes take up too a week or more after the college has received the scores.