Sending SAT + Subject Tests to UC's

On my UC application, I only chose to report my ACT score as it was slightly higher than my SAT. However I still reported my two subject tests taken and want to turn them in tonight. My issue is that when I go to send scores through The College Board, they require that I send all my SAT test scores in addition to sending my subject tests. Do I unselect my SAT scores on it (even though it says I must send all) and only send the subject tests? Would this affect my admission chances even though I’m not reporting any SAT’s, only subject tests?

You are incorrect about what you can send through College Board. You can unselect the SAT scores and send only the subject test scores. The College Board allows that but gives an all scores warning for colleges that require all scores. In other words, it leaves it up to you whether you follow that warning. Also, College Board often has it wrong as to what is actually required by the college. The UCs require all SAT scores only if you choose to send one SAT score. As to subject tests you can send whichever you want to send. In other words, the College Board warning for the UCs that you are seeing is wrong and you can actually do exactly what you wanted to do and comply with the UC requirements.

Just note that you must send an official ACT score to a UC for it to be used. You need send offical scores to only one UC and all other UCs get the score from the one (that apply to both your ACT and the subject tests), but you do need to send at least one offical score from the testing agency – your post is unlcear on whether are sending an offical ACT score because you mention only putting it on your application.

Awesome, thank you so much. I sent my official ACT score report out already, just have to do my subject tests. Thanks for clarifying the whole thing, it seems like nobody else knew what to do/ has had this issue.

So if you have 3 subject test scores (1 for math, and 2 for physics) can you just send the math subject test and the 2nd physics score to the UC’s?