I was wondering if this schedule is suitable for a competitive college admissions:
AP Calculus
AP Psychology
AP Biology
War and Peace
Public Speaking
Advanced Writing
I was also wondering if 3 APs was too much, I figured that AP Calculus would just be like taking an ordinary advanced math and AP psychology being an easy course also.
<p>uh english? or is advanced writing your schools subsitute to english</p>
<p>yes, public speaking and wirting r the english courses, there are no just plain english classes for seniors. I was also wondering if 3 years of a foreign language is plenty? Some people have told me that the work load and difficulty of AP calculus is not difficult, and AP psych is not that difficult neither</p>
<p>"and AP psych is not that difficult neither" - double negative</p>
<p>so it IS hard then? :)</p>