Senior members can now post images

To clarify - the photo box only appears at the top of the reply box on my laptop. On my phone, in mobile view, it is at the bottom and obscured. When I tried to slide over to the attach imagine icon, everything started jumping around again. So, do I need to go back to desktop view on the phone if I want to post a photo?

On mobile the attach image is indeed at the bottom:

In landscape view it should also be visible:

This is on an iPhone. I composed this message and attached photos entirely in mobile view. I’m sure Android is different and I’ll check on an Android phone later today.

In any case you really shouldn’t be seeing any jumping around at all. I’ll see if my android phone does that too.

Well android cell, in portrait or lscape, it’s above the text.

But. Other than, say, this thread, I’m hoping folks can control the urge to post pictures of text from another source when a simple link will do. Some threads are getting cluttered and here we are, complaining about so much scrolling.

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Good point about the additional real estate causing more scrolling. Even when I post a simple link, it shows as a preview taking up much more space. Some may like this and this is common on many sites and devices. I am not having the scrolling issue any longer so had not previously considered this a negative but others may see it as a problem.

Oh my, you’re right. I just did a common ‘copy text’ and the whole preview showed (now edited out.) A waste.

I just tried to post a screen shot from my iphone. It appeared as a reply and then disappeared. No idea what happened.

I can only utilize the photo button in landscape but then I can’t type anything (I have small hands and can’t use my phone that way).

Is there a way to move the icon up to where it is on the desktop/computer?

I found the photo - it appeared in a different thread! I can see how that happened since my reply button continues to be partially covered up on my phone. ARGH on the mobile challenges!

Here’s the picture I tried to share:

@momofsenior1 Would you mind posting a screenshot of what it looks like in mobile view? I’m able to reproduce this behavior on desktop view. Looks like desktop view on a mobile device has some challenges when posting.

Wow. Makes it so much easier to compare campuses!

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That was my mobile view. In desktop the icon is up on top like on my laptop.

Amira H1 12-10-20 (2)

Testing with a pic I took yesterday…

I didn’t see it ask for sizing anywhere, so apologize if it’s huge.


I didn’t get an option to change the size either.

Love the horse pic!

Thanks. We were out getting some “for sale” pics yesterday (it’s what we do on a pony farm), so when wondering what picture to test with one of them was at the top of my mind - and easy to find.

“Body seems unclear, is it a complete sentence?” when i tried to replace a test link with xxxxx



I guess I’m not a senior member.

@EconPop Now you are! Try one more time…

I agree. That’s incredibly aggravating. If you see that sort of thing, please flag it. If it gets to be a big problem, we’ll address it.

I believe if the image is smaller than a certain size, the system doesn’t give that option. That image is 52 KB, which is quite reasonable these days. My 7-year-old son would love to meet your pony. :wink:


There’s a test in the code to prevent posting when a cat walks across the keyboard or somesuch.

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