Senior needs the advice of CC on SAT scheduling

<p>I am a Senior this year. Unfortunately, I procrastinated like you wouldn't believe and so I've only taken one SAT II so far, which was in physics. I need to ensure that I get my SAT I and another SAT II in before the deadlines. Furthermore, I want to redo my physics test because I only got a 700 in it. After meeting with my counselor, I was told that I should take the SAT I first, then as many SAT II's as possible since only my top two will count. With that in mind, I want to take the SAT I on Oct 4th, SAT II Lit and Math on the next test date, and finally physics during the Dec test date. </p>

<p>Just wanted to know the opinions of the forums on what I am doing, as in if my plan looks to be sound. Additionally, what do you guys think about me taking the ACT instead of the SAT I. That way I can spread out my tests on more test dates. Imo, I think the SAT I is better for me since I have had some experience with it from before. </p>

<p>I have gotten myself into a bad position but I hope I can get out of it with some plain hard work. </p>

<p>Final note: The Lit, Phys, and Math SAT II's are the ones that I have the best shot at achieving a high score so I don't really need suggestions on which tests to take. </p>

<p>Thanks for responding. All advice is appreciated.</p>

<p>It's possible.
I only had 2 weeks to study for my SAT II's.</p>

<p>How did you do on your tests? I wanted to refrain from asking others of their experiences since my study habits differ a lot from every other student.</p>

<p>Mmmm...the October and November testings should be fine, I think; I did the same thing except in the other order. I drew up a study schedule (with periodic practice tests to measure progress) for myself since they were so close together, and that helped with the procrastination. The one thing that might be(come) problematic is that fact that you've left no chances for a SAT I retake. You could have to forget about retaking the physics exam come December if you don't do as well as you expect on the reasoning test. Some schools do accept scores from January testings, so you should definitely look into that.</p>

<p>As for taking the ACT, I don't know if you've really left yourself time to explore that option, haha. You could take one practice test (they're pretty easy to find for free) and see how you do, but do this right away (today??).</p>

<p>you're not in that bad of a position considering the fact that you can still take all your tests. the only problem is that you can't retake the SAT I like some other posters have said. if you don't take the physics again or take it on the same test date as math and lit then you might have a chance to retake the sat's in december. I guess some schools might accept January SAT's but i'm not completely sure, so you can look into that as well.</p>

<p>Thanks for all the advice. I will def. look into trying a ACT test asap but most likely I will stick with the SAT. As for scheduling, I'm going to draw up a study plan for the next month or two so that I can ensure I get the most out of it in terms of the SAT's.</p>

<p>Youre in the same boat as me haha
I procrastinated too, and I am also retaking the only SATII i took before my senior year started
well I took SAT I in my junior year, but I am re-taking it again</p>

<p>I think for your case, taking SAT on october is a best choice
For me, taking SAT I before SAT II somehow brought down my tension </p>

<p>Im taking two SATII in october, and SAT I in november, another SAT II in december, and according to how I do on SAT I that i took in november, i might take it again in january for last shot.</p>

<p>are you applying early to anywhere?
I checked with my interested colleges few days ago and thankfully their last SAT accepting date was january so thus i made that plan</p>

<p>goodluck with all your tests though!</p>

<p>Math and US I just walked in... If you learned the material during class, you should have no problem.</p>