<p>hey i need some new and original ideas for a senior prank</p>
<p>hey i need some new and original ideas for a senior prank</p>
<p>Senior Scavenger Hunt, greatest senior tradition ever</p>
<p>im gonna sound stupid but how does that work</p>
<p>like a scavenger hunt, hehe. We stole stuff from the school, other schools, then dumped them on the principal's lawn. Oh ya, dont forget to spray your teacher's car (don't use real paint, something that'll wash off!), deflate the principal's tires, and, well, make up your own.</p>
<li>take industrial grade adhesive (glue) and put it in your classroom lock (so that they wont be able to open the class the next day!!)</li>
<li>Treating your male faculty a coke (or some sort of juice) with a viagra dissolved into it</li>
<li>sprayin teacher's car with 'love notes' from other faculties</li>
<li>putting sneezing powder in your principal's car air system</li>
<li>the normal stuff like frogs, snakes, etc.</li>
<p>we wanted to have everyone bring two tennis balls w/ them and we have this open area and at a certain time throw them adn have a "fight"</p>
<p>we also wanted to have everyone bring conffetti (sp?)and throw it off the balcony on teh last day of school. not a prank just for fun</p>