Senior Schedule (For Pursuit of the Ivy League) ?

<p>Currently, I'm a Junior. I am ranked 95/737 in my class. Just made the Principal's Straight A Honor Roll. I have high aspirations to make the Ivy League. My top colleges include Massachusetts Institute for Technology and Princeton University. I'm leaning towards majoring in medical/scientific related fields (physics, molecular biology, genetics... etc.) Our school decides schedules in January. This is what I have so far:</p>

<p>AP Literature
AP Psych
An AP Science (Not sure which one)
AP Government/Policy
AP Macroeconomics/ Microeconomics
Physics Honors
Pre-Cal Honors
ASL II</p>

<p>(This year, I'm taking two AP's and three Honors)</p>

<p>Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. I am also strongly considering taking courses over the Summer (Latin for sure). </p>


<p>Frankly, your rank will keep you out of top schools.</p>

<p>Rank is improvable. My GPA is currently 4.8… I have a strong passion to reach my goals. Besides colleges consider other aspects besides rank.</p>

<p>Realistically, you should be ranked in the top ten (top 10, not top 10%) or so out of a class of 737 to have a legitimate shot at a super selective school. Five APs next year on top of your two so far will help your transcript, but you don’t look like an MIT or Princeton level applicant. Most MIT acceptees probably took pre-calc as sophomores, not as seniors, and went on to at least AP Calc BC; most have probably taken AP Physics B and C, rather than just H Physics.</p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>The amount by which you can improve your class rank isn’t completely within your control, though. If all those 70-something people ahead of you also go all out for the rest of this year, and get all A’s in their program of all-weighted classes, you won’t move up at all.</p>