<p>Should I take easy classes or should I challenge myself? I plan on taking two AP classes (GOV and LANG) and Spanish III. The rest (less challenging) are Human Anatomy, Discrete Math, and other electives. </p>
<p>Will the challenging courses make my application look better? It might bring down my GPA.</p>
<p>Challenge yourself. An admissions officer told me that he likes to see students challenge themselves throughout high school, ESPECIALLY senior year-- he takes it as a sign that students will work hard in college as well.</p>
<p>Challenge yourself - colleges don’t like seeing people who slack off senior year - which SHOULD be your hardest year. if you can do well this year, you’ll prove to colleges you have the ability to do well in their college :)</p>
<p>Oo Rutgershopeful! Interesting username lol. </p>
<p>I really want to go to RUTGERS NB. My top choice!</p>