I’m currently a Junior and I feel like I should’ve taken more honors classes this year (only in 1 this year). I’m going to have 5 honors classes for Senior year (3 are one semester classes and 2 are year-long classes) and I’m curious to know how much do colleges care about honors classes in Senior year. Also, would doing this help make my application look better for colleges?
Depends on what colleges you’re applying to and what your schedule this year is, what it’ll be next year, what your GPA is.
Obviously taking Honors classes is better preparation for college than regular classes, but you need to ensure you’re passing those classes and preferably getting a B or higher in them.
Colleges will see your self-reported in-progress courses and will take them into account when assessing the rigor of your course selections (if there is a counselor recommendation, your counselor may also take that into consideration when deciding whether to indicate that you chose the “most demanding” course selections).
Obviously, such self-reported courses and how well you do in them will be verified on your final high school transcript that you will sent to the college that you matriculate to.