Senior year schedule

<p>Ok so at the moment there are absolutely no classes being offered second period at my high school (hyperbole of course). There are no AP classes or regular academic electives that I have not already taken that are scheduled for second period. My question is would it look suspicious to colleges if I was enrolled in AP psychology and regular psychology? I would be using the regular pyschology period as a study hall and do work for my JC class or EPGY course (I have already gotten the permission of the teacher to do this.) Would this be better than being a Teacher's Aide? Thanks for the advice.</p>

<p>Regular psychology is not a weighted class...aren't you better off in terms of your overall GPA not taking any class during that time slot?</p>

<p>Will your school even allow it? My d's wouldn't.</p>

<p>Well my school will not allow me to take an unscheduled second period, which I find ridiculous but whatever. At the moment the agreement is just between the teacher and me - I dont think the school administration needs to know :). What should I do?</p>

<p>If you're going to use regular psych as a study hall, why don't you just take a study hall? It wouldn't look as weird to colleges. Or try to move the rest of your schedule around.</p>

I dont think the school administration needs to know


How could they not know? Doesn't the class have to be on your transcript? When I say "Does your school allow it", I mean "Does your school allow you to register for both regular and AP?" My d's school did not allow that registration, so you'd be sunk anyway. (What you do in the class, yes, is between you and the teacher. But don't think that some other kid in the class, distracted by you, won't complain.)</p>

<p>Try to get an independant study.</p>

<p>Well my school does not offer "study hall" as a period and I do not believe that my school has any objections to me taking both the regular and the AP. What should I do? There are no classes offered, so am I force to become a TA?</p>

<p>yeah in this case id say TA</p>

<p>Why is your school so bureaucratic and awful??? I feel bad for you...I hope this psych idea works out--BTW you can just explain to colleges that you actually didn't take both, but used the period as an independent study.</p>

<p>Alright guys, thanks for the advice :)</p>

<p>Take home economics during that time. </p>

<p>Don't laugh. It is an amazingly practical class. </p>

<p>Or debate. Now that is an even better idea. Have you had speech class? That is a very important life skill.</p>