<p>Ok, I'm sure this question has been asked before but here's a little bit more complicated version of it:
Given my lack of motivation and increased sensitivity to senioritis... I don't really care for my AP scores and would rather have never taken the tests if it wasn't required from my school. Now, the problem is I already marked the school I wanted to receive my scores and, evidently, once you select the recipient university on one of the answer sheets, then all your scores from all years will be sent to that school (even if you don't select the university each time for each test's answer sheet). Well, I had thought that I could just cancel my score report all together without having to cancel the scores themselves (school would get very upset). But now I realized that the only way to not send the scores is to withhold them (which is not the best option since I've taken 10 and I don't really want to have to pay 15$ for each or even a few to be withheld). Good news is that I have already gotten into a great university, and it barely gives any credit for any 5's or 4's on AP's. It's just a matter of not feeling embarrassed or look stupid when they receive 2's and 3's this year when I had gotten 4's and 5's on my AP's last year (junior year). I just really don't care for these scores and regret marking the school to receive my scores. What do you think I should do? Should I go ahead and withhold the 4-5 AP's I am pretty sure I will do bad on or just let them be sent and forget about it? I would appreciate any advice!</p>
<p>don’t withhold them, thats dumb.</p>
<p>they won’t penalyze you for doing bad on “bonus” tests.</p>
<p>^Well your straighforward. lol</p>
<p>just cancel the scores if you don’t want them to see it. but what are they gonna do now? it’s not like they can reject you now for doing poorly on your APs.</p>
<p>yeah dude they wont do anything. theyll probably be happier that youre gonna take the class in their school anyway</p>