Sentence completion........

<p>Ok, so I pretty much get EVERTHING else correct on SAT tests and ptests..</p>

<p>Less than a month to go, what do you reccomend?</p>

<p>What have you tried so far?</p>

<p>I know it's said like a broken record, but it all boils down to vocab. Almost every SC question has one obvious or pretty obvious answer, but only if you know what each of the words to choose from means. Barron's has very good vocab lists. If you have the practice tests you've been taking, go through and define EVERY word that you don't know, and put them on flash cards. It's a pain in the neck and it can take a long time, but don't risk it. If you're not sure exactly what a word means or its connotation, find out, write it down, and keep it. You have until the 10th- don't let any word in your practice tests go by without at least finding out the general sentiment it conveys.</p>