September Dreams

<p>I had a BS dream just last night!!! I was attending Groton, except the circle was a square. And instead of grass, there was this massive skyscraper that appeared only during the night! It was actually a dorm, apparently. Except that makes no sense, because later I went to a math class at the top of the building and I had to use the stairs while everybody else got to use an elevator.
Then there was something where I went to the dining hall and it became like Willy Wonka- I was surrounded by lots of brightly colored sweets and they were serving cupcakes and sugary beverages for lunch. mmm...</p>

<p>I keep having dreams of actually being at Exeter, but my current friends are there with me. In one of the dreams, Exeter was actually a college, as in real life, my friends and I are going to try and attend the same, or close-by colleges.</p>