

<p>Hi! i am a 17 yr old girl who has applied to Yale as an undergraduate. I am really nervous that I might not get in! I am in the top 10% at my school academically, I am doing A-levels, predicted A*,AA, has done plenty of charity and community service for the elderly,i am Swedish and have lived in the uk 2 years, so guess I can be described as an "inernational student", achieved 25 in my overall ACT score ( I know its not good......), and worked hard on my personal essay.. </p>

<p>What are my chances ? Any ideas?</p>

<p>btw: im doing economics, psycology and Religious studies with the predicted A* in the latter subject</p>

2 days ago - 2 days</p>

<p>With such low ACT scores, and applying as an international, you most likely will not be accepted. But every year they take international applicants, so try not to worry too much about their decision and enjoy your senior year!</p>

<p>Yes, I don’t do maths for my a-levels, so the maths dragged my score down!</p>