Service to School --- veterans helping veterans

Just wanted to raise awareness of this non-profit that was founded by vets and is fully vet operated. The group helps veterans by providing complete free college admissions advice/counselling. The organization has directly help veterans gain admission to every Ivy League school, Stanford, MIT, Cal, UChicago etc etc

google: ‘service to school’ and reach out and you can get free personalized help from a fellow vet at one of your target schools. I’ve personally mentored around 25 applicants to admission at Stanford and ever Ivy including Harvard/Yale/Princeton. There’s also help if you are aiming for schools like UMD, or UNC or anything in between.

Stanford grad myself, and was admitted to 9 of the 11 schools I applied to. Happy to help as well just PM me

@thestandard Thanks for the post. I’ve seen the S2S program but haven’t tried it out. In all honesty, it’s due to fear of rejection/failure.

How would you say that the services helps veterans get accepted into these colleges?

I like to consider myself a hard worker but don’t see myself as anything special/extraordinary aside from my veteran status.

@Mangorind86 the program provides mentorship from veterans that have managed to transfer into these schools that seem out of reach. Literally a non-profit built by veterans, for veterans, that helps share the knowledge folks have accrued over the years in navigating this process. There’s no downside to partaking so I wouldnt worry about rejection as a part of S2S. I’ve known many hard working vets that didn’t see themselves as remarkable that have since graduated from Ivy League and their peer type schools like Stanford, MIT, Duke, Georgetown etc etc along with big state schools like Michigan and UNC. The point of the org is to help vets not sell themselves short in this process

Hello, I am very interested in the program. How can I start? Do I sign up in the website?

You probably found the answer by now, but there’s a sign up form on the organization’s website that’ll give you directions on how to get started. This npo sounds amazing though, and I’m about to sign up myself!

Hey so I am currently in s2s; however, my mentor is brand new and an ROTC grad from Cornell. He hasn’t really dealt with helping people out with transferring to a top school before and I was wondering if I could come to you for some advice. A little about me, currently enlisted and about to finish my 4 year contact next march. I am a weather forecaster in the Air Force and plan on only applying to Stanford only since it would be close to home. I don’t mind going back to community college if I don’t get in but thought I would give it a shot. Also applying for communications. As far as stats go:
3.1 HS gpa
3.8 gpa through 15 credits at my local community college near base
and 52 tech school credits I doubt they will take
Currently studying to retake ACT, but got a 19 in highschool

I was hoping you could impart some wisdom on things I can do to give me the best chance of getting into Stanford. thank you for your time!

you can DM me. Also if you want to be swapped over to prior enlisted that knows the process well just sign up again at S2S and express you’d like an ambassador swap. There’a definite disconnect between ROTC and enlisted to CC > transfers.

At a high level, don’t get your hopes up applying to only Stanford. Odds are small, and so applying to 5 or 10 top schools is in your best interests. There’s a huge element of luck/subjectivity when you’re talking 1-3% acceptance rates at the top top schools. FWIW I know vets who were rejected by Berkeley and accepted to Stanford. I personally got turned down by two lower ivies and accepted to 3 of the top 5