Sewanee: Preppy or Hippie

<p>I have heard one friend say she wouldnt go to Sewanee because there were "too many hippies." Another said it was a bunch of preppy rich kids. While I'm sure the majority of students are wealthy, im not so sure about preppy. So which is it? (I'm pulling for hippie)</p>

<p>Preppiness dominates (by far), but hippiness exists in quantity. The "hippies" are by and large TRULY nonconformist-- that is, they are much less stereotypically hippieish than the preppy types are preppy.</p>

<p>I have heard about suits at football games and the like...</p>

<p>Well, not SO often at football games-- instead think mint julips at football games... many mint julips.</p>

<p><em>raises eyebrows</em> Those people sound excellent.</p>

<p>Some people actually wear kilts to the football games (there is a "drinking society" called the Highlanders, and the kilt is their trademark.)</p>

<p>But, as fiddlefrog notes, there is really a contingent of independent-minded folks (hippies) who fit in, too!</p>

<p>from what I've heard, it's more preppy than hippy. It's a good liberal arts school nonetheless down South.</p>