
Safeway... (shudders). Whole Foods, by the way, is just as (in?)expensive as Giant or Safeway - at least comparing Capitol Hill area Giants and Logan Circle Whole Foods.


<p>My experience varies. The Whole Foods on Wisconsin is much more expensive than the Safeway down the road. In Houston, my parents visit the local grocery store more often than Whole Foods because of the prices.</p>

<p>Attractiveness may be an advantage for women in the hiring process, but it's second to other things like credentials and ability. Interestingly, a lot of young women interns on Capitol Hill are trying to 'get noticed' by showing a lot of skin. ABC news had a funny article about this, "Skinterns" <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;."&lt;/p>

<p>I read a sociology article once about this very topic, and it was argued that attractive women have an advantage for hiring and overall happiness in life. However, it was also argued that ugly students excel slightly more academically, on average. I'm not sure if "obese" constitutes "ugly" or not.</p>

Also factor in how overweight females are treated in high school; I am almost positive that the stigma attached to their weight influences their grades. I am interested in reading statistics regarding the average weight of females in top schools.


<p>At the institutions I have attended, no one spat on overweight girls or stigmatized them. A stigma may have existed, sure, but it was incredibly subtle. How many high school girls avoid doing homework because they're busy worrying about their weight? Not many at my high school. How many girls avoid homework because they're busy hanging out with friends? More. If anything, popularity distracts one from excelling academically.</p>

<p>There is no rigid formula to academic success or job success; it varies on a case to case basis. More telling factors: father absence? poverty? race?</p>

<p>"That's rubbish. Taller men get hired over shorter men. Bustier women get hired over flat-chested women. It's unfair, but it's the way things work."</p>

<p>How about a tall, thin, busty woman? Will she definitely get the job?</p>

<p>"Attractiveness may be an advantage for women in the hiring process, but it's second to other things like credentials and ability."</p>

<p>Sure, but when there are more than enough people vying for positions with certain employers and in certain fields, you will find if you look around the offices that the women are more attractive than the average.</p>

<p>"How about a tall, thin, busty woman? Will they definitely get the job?"</p>

<p>No one is guaranteed anything when you are looking at a highly competitive environment for certain jobs. Being attractive certainly doesn't hurt, though. Women actually have to walk a very fine line. It is not at all acceptable in top law firms for a woman to be too sexy, to show too much skin or to wear low cut or revlealing clothing (even open toed shoes are considered too risque in many places!). However, dressing in well made suits that are flattering to a woman's figure, with nice heels, manicured nails, a well maintained haircut and a moderate amount of make-up is definitely looked upon favorably. There are certainly women who do not fit this mold working in law firms, but too many do indeed fit this mold to think it is mere coincidence.</p>

<p>I agree with sally.</p>

<p>I just have found in my life that there are too many "coincidences" to not notice a trend.</p>

How many high school girls avoid doing homework because they're busy worrying about their weight? Not many at my high school.


<p>Sorry, I completely forgot that you were acquainted with all the obese women in your school and their private lives.</p>

<p>nspeds!! you're back! oh, how i've missed you...</p>

<p>No need to apologize, nspeds.</p>

<p>I was simply replying to your insight on how overweight girls act in their personal lives in regard to academic success. I too would like to read the statistics for the average weight of girls at top schools, or even better those girls with at least an A- average.</p>

I too would like to read the statistics for the average weight of girls at top schools,


<p>There is no need to do so. Just come to Georgetown and you will be able to count all the overweight females on one hand.</p>

<p>One hand??? Damn!</p>

<p>Georgetown girls are uniformly hot. The ones who aren't go to GW. ;)</p>

The ones who aren't go to GW.



<p>Actually, we were required to submit a photo of ourselves with our application for admissions. I always suspected that it had some use;)</p>