Sharing scores with teachers?

<p>Do you share you scores with your teacher? All scores or only the one they taught you?
And all teachers, or just AP teachers?
And there's this one counsler that had to sit with me during micro/macro for like 6 hours (since I was the only person taking it as a selfstudy), should I email him?</p>

<p>Idk, I don't want to be arrogant or pompous, but I want to share my success too :(</p>

<p>The best way you can do this is shooting the relevant teachers a thank you email, thanking them for the all the help they’ve given you to get that 5. I’m not quite sure how you’d do that for a self-study, though.</p>

<p>i just sent all of my scores to all of my ap teachers b/c sometimes when i sent them only the relevant score they ask how i’ve done on my others… i guess to see if i tried harder on other aps or not.</p>

<p>Doesn’t College Board send the scores to them? Your Guidance Counselor probably gets them too.</p>

<p>Your teachers will receive your scores whether you like it or not (but just the score for their class, not ALL your scores). The counselors (and probably the AP Coordinator) will probably get ALL scores and can share them with teachers if they want.</p>

<p>Just e-mail your teacher and thank him/her for preparing you so well for the exam. If he/she didn’t do a good job or told you not to take the exam because the teacher thought you’d fail, send an e-mail rubbing your score in his/her face.</p>