Shimer College Book Scholarship: Deadline November 1


Because of our small size and individual admission process, we can promise that if you submit a complete application by November 1, 2012 you will have our admission decision by Thanksgiving, and that if you are admitted, you will be awarded a scholarship of at least $1290 to cover your first year's book fee.</p>

<p>The books you'll be given aren't textbooks -- we don't read textbooks at Shimer. All of our books are original sources, and the editions and translations have been carefully selected by our faculty. If the thought of shiny new piles of life-changing books thrills you, Shimer might be your college.</p>

<p>Shimer College has a reputation for attracting passionate, highly intelligent, and creative students. Our students love to read, and to talk about what they read. We pride ourselves on our small, discussion-based classes, a curriculum rooted in original sources that have defined civilization as we know it, and our almost 160-year history of being a unique community of scholars.</p>

<p>Have questions? That’s okay–Shimer students always do. Call us at 800-215-7173 or email us by clicking here and we’ll be happy to help.</p>

<p>Shimer College
3424 S State Street
Chicago, IL 60616
