Shoe Help

<p>I just bought Asics 2110 and I ran with them today. I felt fine but my hip is bothering me a little... I dont think it's the shoes though. Anyways....I read some reviews online about these shoes and they were all BAD. People claim that they got stress fractures from these shoes etc. Anyone have similar problems or are they working good for you???</p>

<p>Please help because I'm considering returning them</p>

<p>Im posting this is running forums as well but I'm deperate for answers</p>

<p>I had really bad cases of shin splints after purchasing a pair of asics a couple years ago - similar problems, I guess. Now I run with Adidas, and I'm fine. </p>

<p>Umm... has your hip hurt before you ran with these shoes?</p>

<p>I've had a lot of hip problems (thats why I had to switch sports from track to swimming) but yeah i think Asics are notoriously bad although my mom uses them. I too use Adidas for light exercise and am happy with them.</p>

<p>I had a hip injury awhile ago but it seems like its coming back again?? Maybe its just sore....</p>

<p>But dont get me wrong I LOVE asics....actually i hate Adidas. I've decided that I'll use them and see what happens. It's only summer training so if i get injured I'll be better when the season starts.</p>