<p>I'm sure all will become clear with time, but if anyone knows the answer: if you are on the Directed Studies wait list, you are invited to come to the organizational meeting and (I think?) to attend the lectures during shopping week (in the hopes that a spot will open up). Does a waitlistee also attend the sections? How are these "assigned"?</p>
<p>My S (who did DS) said that your son should contact Jane Levin and let her know that he really wants to be in DS and doesn’t want to be behind should he get in, and ask her advice about what to do that first week.</p>
<p>Thank your son for me, Yalemom, that is an excellent suggestion and I passed it on to my son.</p>
<p>The answer for any who might be interested is that wait listed students attend the lectures, but not the discussion sections. They have to shop classes and create an alternative Fall schedule, and if they get in off the wait list, faculty will assist with making up missed work.</p>
<p>Just had to share the news that my son just received his acceptance to Directed Studies!</p>
<p>Glad to hear it, stringkeymom. It looks like a good program to me.</p>
<p>thx! DS is ecstatic.</p>
<p>EngProfMom, where do you teach? I am (retired) comparative lit prof</p>
<p>Yalemom, thx for all your encouragement and please thank your son for his helpful suggestions, which we followed, with good results!</p>
<p>stringkeymom: My S is also in DS. He is very excited, even though the work load seems a bit intense. I am thinking that DS students must get fairly close as they bond every Thursday night before the Friday papers are due!</p>
<p>DS bonding is very real! i was in DS freshman year and many of my good friends are from DS…my best friend at yale is the person i stared at hopelessly from across a library table those long, long thursday nights and complained to about workloads and reading.<br>
good luck!</p>
<p>Hi stringkey mom, I PM-ed you about this.</p>