Short Answers Supplement: Is it ok to use "&"?????

<p>Since the short answer responses on the supplement are restriced to be a maximum of 300 characters, can I use "&" instead of the actual word "and?" </p>

<p>Will admissions officers mind? Is it a big deal? </p>

<p>How about on the longer essays?</p>

<p>Also, will admissions officers worry about you placing periods and commas in the correct places on the short answer responses of the supplement? Will grammar be a big deal since you do not have to use complete sentences?</p>

<p>Is it ok to use complete sentences for some short answer questons and simply list things on other short answer responses?</p>

<p>no don't use &
be professional
don't use short hand</p>

<p>the key is to be concise
and usually, you don't need a lot of ands to get your point across</p>

<p>yeah, dont use &. if you are only a little bit over, thats fine. they are definitely not going to count and make sure you have exactly 300 words. and i think you are supposed to use complete sentences.</p>

Will admissions officers mind? Is it a big deal?


<p>Yes and yes. Even though you might plan to use ampersands and bullet lists to keep your word count down, admissions officers might think you're being sloppy or careless.</p>

<p>They'll also know exactly what you're up to, so it's not worth trying to slip a fast one by them.</p>

<p>If you usually do 2 spaces between sentences, cut it down to 1.</p>

i've been deleting spaces between commas and writing shorthand like crazy!</p>