Shot at UPenn? In at JHU?

<p>Gender: Male
Race: Asian
State: NJ
School: Really Competitive Public (Almost All APs offered)</p>

<p>GPA: 3.89 UW, 4.38 W (weighting system changed midway through HS)
APs: Physics B - 4, Calc BC - 5, AB sub 5, English - 4, Chem - 5,
Comp Sci A - 5
Senior Year Schedule: All AP: Bio, Stat, Latin, English, Art Hist, Comp Sci AB
SAT I: Total - 2310, M-800, CR - 740, W - 770
SAT IIs: Math IIc - 780 (retake?), Chem - 800, Bio M (w/ Honors Bio) - 720
PSAT: 206 in 10th, 228 in 11th, Expecting NMS Semi at Least
Rank: Top 5% (approximated, school doesn't rank)
Recs: Counselor - Awesome (She'll talk about how dedicated I've been throughout high school); Teacher - One Amazing, other not so hot but good; Supplement - One from research, other from debate </p>

<p>ECs : </p>

<p>Clubs -
- Medical Futures Club (10-12, Officer 12th)
- Science Competitor's Club (10-12, Officer 11-12)
- NJ Science League (10th - Chem I, 11th - Chem II)
- NJ Chemistry Olympics (11th w/ AP Chem, 3rd Place in Chemical Research Comp)
- Central Jersey Math League (11th w/ Calc BC)
- Junior Statesmen of America (9-12, officer 11, VP 12)
- National Honor Society (11-12)</p>


<pre><code> - Various Other Math/Science Competitions
- Latin Team Competitions @ Princeton (9-11, 2nd place, 4th place, 2nd)
- Research 10th + 11th summers @ Waksman Institute in Rutgers U
- Volunteer local hospital, senior center, March of Dimes local Youth Chain Reaction (officer 12th) which organizes cultural show raising $60,000
- Play Piano, no comps/tests, just play (5 yrs)
- Competing in Intel STS/Siemen's next year
- Robert Wood Johnson Mini-Medical Program
- Columbia SHP next year
- Cabinet Leader of Regional JSA (big leadership positions, 11-12)


<pre><code> - 3rd Place Chemistry Olympics
- AIME Qualifier
- USNCO Semifinalist
- Local/Regional Awards in Math
- National Latin Exam Medals: Silver - 9th, Gold - 10th, Gold - 11th
- Several Best Speaker Awards w/ JSA
- Some other Science Awards, I forget
- Expecting at least semifinalist at Intel

<p>Chances At:</p>

<pre><code> 1) UPenn (ED and RD plz)
2) JHU (ED and RD plz)
3) Columbia
4) Cornell
5) Duke
6) U Mich w/ scholarship
7) NYU (match?)
8) Rutgers (Safety?)


<p>I think you have a good shot at Penn ED and a really good one at JHU ED, as being matches except for Mich w/ scholarship. That is a reaclong as you don't apply for BME. Columbia and Duke are low reaches with Cornell being a high match. I think though you should get into Mich as a safety with NYU (not Stern) being a low match. I think JHU would be a match to high match RD with Penn being a low reach RD. You should not expect a semifinalist in's pretty competitive. </p>

<p>Please chance me at:
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>1) UPenn (ED and RD plz) IN ED Rejcet RD
2) JHU (ED and RD plz) IN ED IN RD
3) Columbia IN ED Reject RD
4) Cornell IN ED IN RD
5) Duke IN ED IN RD
6) U Mich w/ scholarship ????????????????
7) NYU (match?) Saftey
8) Rutgers (Safety?) Saftey</p>


<p>Thx. Fred, I guess ur right about Intel, I was just saying cus I personally know one of this year's Intel finalists. She did research at the same lab and well, the outcome is obvious ;)! I'll keep my hopes up, but expect nothing. Bump.</p>

<p>bump bump</p>

<p>In at JHU, as long as you only show your best medical and science-related ECs.</p>

<p>This is a monster bump [sorry]</p>

<p>i dont think penn will be hard to get into for you. i'd bet 5 bucks you'd get in RD.</p>

<p>definitely DO NOT retake your Math II. it would be stupid. there's really no difference between a 780 and 800. all it means is that the kid who got an 800 got a lucky guess but you omitted or guessed wrong.</p>