Should I add a major or a minor in English?


For as long as I remember, English has always been my best subject. It’s also been my favorite, save a few years with cantankerous teachers. But I’ve always been wary of majoring solely in English, so now I’m in a Computer Information Systems program.

Of coure, now I’ve been debating whether I should take on an additional load of courses that are English related. I was thinking a major at first, but I’m also considering double majoring with another major and worry that triple majoring would be kinda extra. Should I do an English minor instead?


I think everyone knows, deep down what they wanna do. If you could only pick one in all the world, what would it be?

I love the idea of an English minor. I was a Math/CS major with a Communications minor, and even decades later I have potential employers comment on what a great - and unusual - combination of skills. Being able to digest large amounts of written information, think critically, and write clearly and effectively provides tremendous value.

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