Hi all,
I recently got accepted as an international transfer to Mouth Holyoke College. However, the aid I receive is not as much as I thought, leaving my family to pay $28,900 a year. My family is considered middle-class in my country but they are making ~$40,000 a year. However, we have rather high assets. Our house and other assets are worth around $345,000. Minus the house (~$60,000), they are all vacant lots and paddy fields.
Furthermore, when I reanalyse my CSS Profile of what went wrong and why we get so little FA. I realised that I put wrong number for the cost of loan repayment. I put ~$2500 instead of ~13010. I wonder if it’s possible to appeal. We still have the repayment documents with us and could bring it to translate and be authorised by an authority in Thailand. I know that being an international transfer that needs aid makes it close to impossible to getting accepted, and I’m grateful that MHC decided to take me in. However, the cost is really high and unaffordable for us. It will be possible to attend if they could give me another $4,000 or $5,000. Besides, I could not negotiate with them next year if I accept this amount and attend because aid for international students is pretty much set in stone after accepting it.
Are you an incoming freshman? Don’t you have to make an enrollment decision NOW…like today?
Isn’t it getting a little late for financial aid appeals?
@thumper1 I think OP is a transfer.
It definitely wouldn’t hurt to ask, especially since there was an error in your CSS. The worst they can say is no.
@thumper1 I am a transfer. I was notified today around 4pm EST and have to reply by 17th May
Ah. Well,then sure, ask for reconsideration. And let them know about the mistake on your Profile.
I really don’t understand when I ran the net price calculator with the exact amount I put on CSS Profile, my family was expected to pay around $14,000-$17,500 depend on how they interpret my family’s debt. However, when I viewed the total contribution, we are told to pay $28,900 which is vastly different from the NPC 8-|
or maybe they have different policy for transfer?
NPCs are typically designed for freshman applicants
international transfer to Mouth Holyoke College.
Int’l transfers rarely get great aid anyway.
@mom2collegekids well, when I looked up the previous transfer thread, most international transfers seem to have their need met. I don’t know. It probably has something to do with my sending supporting documents after priority deadline.
A home business (assuming the high assets of paddy fields, etc are that) will also be assessed differently.
@Erin’s Dad oh wow… we don’t have any home business. Most of the paddy fields are all empty. Saving the 1600 sq.m. that we lend to the family of my father’s subordinate in exchange with free rice.
But MHC doesn’t know how much percent is vacant lot and how much percent is paddy fields, though. When they asked for asset clarification, I only told them the market price and year purchased since they were asking for these two solely.
If the land isn’t turning a profit and it counts against you for aid, why not sell some it to pay your tuition?
@austinmshauri we have been putting some of them sale for some time but selling land is not easy
That’s too bad. It’s tough here too. Did you ask the college to reconsider? You still have a couple weeks, right?
@austinmshauri yes, i asked them to reconsider our contribution, and they told me to submit official form and relevant documents so we will see how it goes
Economy in Thailand is really bad this year, and it’s likely to worsen with embargoes and sanctions against military government. The chance of getting a buyer who is willing to pay market price is rather slim.
If no one will pay what you are asking, then that’s not market price.
Perhaps, then, assets are overstated on the financial aid forms.
@Madison85 possibly, although someone who owned a land nearby sold his at the same price last year. hmmmm
Good luck, @pangeasplits. I hope it works out for you.
I’m curious. My family is able to sell some of the asset however it’s worth 40 percent less than the number we originally put in the CSS Profile. Should I notify them? I emailed some supporting documents to them on Friday and haven’t heard back (it’s still weekend, though).
Note that we are able to sale some of them, the difference is $12,200 (edit to add this)