<p>Please reply to me, it can change my future !!!
I'm really Depressed right now. I wanted to start a new thread so that I can ask for some advice. </p>
<p>This is my situation:
My financial aid: $13k for Fall 2014/FA, $13k for Spring 2015/SP
And the budget for 2014-2015 academici year is: $57,046 (including books/personal)
Along with health insurance: $1800
Which means that for 2014-2015 I have to pay about $33k !!
I submitted my CSS profile, and I swear my family can only pay about $11k maximum.</p>
<p>My question to ask for your help is: Why am I still admitted with such gap in my financial situation ? Or is there anything wrong with how my CSS Profile is?</p>
<p>Thanks in advance.</p>
<p>I replied in the other thread, but here it is again:</p>
<p>What is your federal FAFSA Estimated Family Contribution? Is that where you’re getting the $11,000 affordability? That’s the number in the small print at the very end of the FAFSA confirmation, it looks weird, not like a dollar amount: something like 0011455 which would be $11,455.</p>
<p>I know that MHC, like other schools, uses their own methodology to calculate their “institutional EFC” but I don’t think it should be tens of thousands different from your federal EFC.</p>
<p>Also remember that the EFC is almost never what you can really afford. We will have to borrow the majority of ours…</p>
<p>If you’re still confused, though, I would definitely encourage you to call the Financial Aid office today for clarification. Good luck
<p>Thank you again for answering me. Can you explain to me a bit more on the FAFSA, I never used it because I thought it was not for international students ? Please correct me if I’m wrong.
Just reply to me in that other thread to make it convenient for you ! </p>
<p>For international students, there are only 6 US colleges meet full demonstrated need, they are Amherst College, Dartmouth College, Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Princeton University and Yale University. Even for schools claiming meeting full demonstrated need, the need is defined by school, not by you.</p>
<p>Mount Holyoke does not claim that it meets full demonstrated need even for US students. I understand it must be very difficult for you as there is not enough money. I would suggest talking to Mount Holyoke to see whether there is anything they can change. </p>
<p>Please talk to the office as soon as you can. Call them, or send a well thought out email. I am sure they will let you know why and if there was any misunderstanding about your financial situation you can clear them up. Good luck! </p>