should I apply wharton or CAS?

<p>I'm up for either.</p>

<p>Act: 36, good SAT
sat II: 800math, 790chem, 770bio</p>

<p>good grades
of interest: i've taken ap physics, bio and chem, bc in multivariable calc right now
also have take ap macro/micro, and intro to business</p>

math/science---------math team (captain+many awards), engineering team competition (1st place in nation+captain)</p>

<p>sporty/other----------varsity volleyball, dance crew/club (choreo and hiphop)--no formal training tho</p>

<p>service/tutor-----------co-head of comm. service group outside of school
peer tutoring program</p>

<p>business related: leadership in the business world program @ penn, financial advisory board youth rep. (city), all-state internship</p>

<p>okay so I'm actually leaning towards Wharton cuz I think I'm a good leader and I like business and I think the education at Wharton would allow me to reach my full potential</p>

<p>HOWEVER, I would also be happy to be at Penn CAS studying math and econ. </p>

<p>Like if Wharton and CAS were two different schools, wharton would be my first choice, and CAS my 2nd. </p>

<p>The thing is I feel like I have a better shot at CAS bcuz on paper, I'm lacking in leadership which I know wharton really stresses.</p>

<p>oh, and also engineering is not an option (at the moment)</p>

<p>GAHHHH what should I do??</p>

<p>Also, if I do decide to roll the dice with Wharton, do you think I can sell leadership? Like would I be able to talk about it in an essay to offset my lack of it on paper?</p>

<p>but all your scores are math/science related = wharton
but i doubt you can “make up” your leadership in your essay if thats what you are inferring</p>

<p>math/science = wharton? i get the math part, but science part?</p>

<p>No, I didn’t mean make up leadership. Like, I don’t have things like class president or founder of a business or president of rotary, nor have i fundraised thousands of dollars. Or started a club.</p>

<p>So compared to these other Wharton cats, I feel like I’m a pipsqueak when it comes to leadership. However, I do things like organize/run a Yleague bball team and organize little projects outside of school and other things that aren’t really as “official” as the ones I’ve mentioned above. So by selling leadership in my essay, I meant like talking about what my opinion and views on leadership are (offering anecdotes), and how they’ve worked for me.</p>

<p>thanks for your input :)</p>

<p>i had very little leadership (my stats are on 2nd page of ED decisions) and by science, i meant the math part of science
im pretty bad at labs but im very good at math so im very good at high school science… but put me in an engineering course and id fail… you might be differnt but i was just giving my opinion</p>

<p>You can get an MBA later. Do something more enjoyable and fulfilling with your undergraduate years!</p>

<p>yeah you can get an MBA later…or you can go to wharton and not have to get an MBA.</p>

<p>thanks for the input guys. i applied CAS. like ilovebagels said, i can get an MBA later if i want.</p>

<p>If you get into Penn, you’ll be thanking me in 2013. I will accept thank-you checks.</p>

<p>lol ilovebagels :)</p>

<p>LOL ilovebagels,</p>

<p>If my life works out perfectly, expect a check in the mail.</p>