<p>I'm new to this forum, so please forgive me if I'm posting this in the wrong area. I was wondering if taking a car to college is honestly worth it? I live in Pennsylvania and I graduate from high school in June. I'm set on enrolling at Santa Barbara City College in California this fall. One thing I'm conflicted on is whether I should bother taking a car or just cut my losses and fly there. I'm perfectly fine with walking around and using public transportation to get where I need to go - naturally so. I'm actually planning to move to New York City eventually. - but I mean it would be nice to have a car. However, if it's less hassle to not have it, then I'm perfectly content not taking one. In all honesty, I don't even know if I'd be able to get one in time. I'm heading to college in August and I'm just getting my permit next month and in PA you have to wait six months to get your license, so buy the time I'm actually a licensed driver it'll probably be like a week until I go to college anyway. Plus I haven't gotten a job yet, so I don't know. I probably won't even have a car by then regardless, but in the event that I would... I'd like some honest opinions from people. Is it even worth the hassle to have a car while at college?</p>
<p>Is no one going to respond…? I’d really appreciate some advice :l</p>
<p>Don’t bring a car your freshman year. It will be hassle finding parking etc. Also remember about insurance and gas. You’re better off taking a bus or walking around campus. It’s California man, enjoy the view and breath in the fresh air.</p>
<p>Don’t bring it.</p>
<p>1) You won’t be an experienced driver.
2) You’ll be lugging that thing from across the country.
3) You could make by using public transportation.
4) You don’t have a job.
5) Parking can be expensive. </p>
<p>I brought my car with me to college, but I have different factors than you.
- Been driving for over a year prior to starting college.
- I live in state.
- Getting around the city and back home would not as possible as it currently is if I didn’t have my car.<br>
- My mom pays for my car expenses.
- Inepxensive parking. </p>
<p>Thank you both so much for answering! Yeah, I was already leaning toward not taking it to begin with, I just wanted to hear if anyone else was thinking along the same lines as me, and you’re both absolutely right. Plus one thing that was just a big “NO THANK YOU!” to me was the fact that having a car would mean driving back home because it would be pointless to take a plane when I have my own vehicle, and the driving time from Santa Barbara to where I live in Pennsylvania is 40 hours. A full day and then another 16 hours On the other hand, it only takes like 7 hours to get to the Baltimore Airport via flight. So… Yeah… If I ever want to make a trip back home, flying is clearly the better route to take. Generally, though, it does seem like life will be much simpler at college without the car, so I won’t be taking it! Again, thank you guys for the advice
It really means a lot to me and I appreciate your help.</p>
<p>No problem. You’re going to be saving a lot of time AND money! </p>
<p>A car will only distract you, get you into trouble, and cost money. Wait until sophomore, or even junior year.</p>
<p>Yeah, no problem</p>
<p>I didn’t bring a car my freshman year and seriously regretted it. I thought everything I needed would be on campus, but it is so much harder not having a car than I thought. There are a lot of times when I want to go to just make a quick trip to the grocery store but I can’t. I got tired after about a month for asking for rides from people everywhere I go. I can’t go stop by starbucks whenever I feel like it, and I can’t go to the mall or do anything around town by myself. It is really different for every person whether or not they need a car, but I realized almost everybody at my school brought a car, and I even go to a big school that has a lot on campus (UF). </p>