Should I change my major?! Please urgent advice needed

<p>Should I change my major from pharmacological chemistry to management science? I go to UCSD.</p>

<p>I’m just so lost and confused and overwhelmed I need some advice.</p>

<p>I am in my junior year of college now majoring in pharm chem hoping to get into pharmacy school. After getting C’s in my ochem classes and lab, I really don’t think I can do it anymore, (I have a 3.3 GPA and I feel like it’ll drop) but my mom wants me too and gives me all this pressure saying a degree in management science (econ) is basically useless and can’t make money. I took a few classes in economics and I’m not sure if I really do like it, or if it’s because I find easier than ochem and biochem that I like it. I’m also pursuing an accounting minor as a back plan along with my major in pharm chem. Do you think I should change? I really just hate chemistry with a passion now, but I feel like I invested 2.5 years of my time into chemistry that if I give up, I’ll regret it. I just don’t want to deal with chemistry anymore, but then my mom still insists I go into the medical field as a nurse or ultrasound technician maybe. </p>

<p>I’m not sure if I want to be an accountant either, but my school doesn’t offer a major in accounting so I still have to major in something. Hopefully afterwards, I’ll get a masters in accounting but that would require grad school, which I’m scared my GPA might be below 3.0 by then. </p>

<p>Please give me some advice. I need to make a decision now because this week is the last week to add classes if I want to change my major.</p>

<p>I’ve been taking 20 units a quarter, so basically I have taken enough economics classes that my graduation won’t be postponed. I dont’ want to stay here for longer than that because I absolutely hate my college, it’s a 10 hour drive to home.</p>

<p>Your story seems very similar to mine. I am also from UCSD, and I debated between going into the health field and majoring in econ ( not management sci but close). I ultimately decided to stick with biochem and minor in econ if I feel like I can keep my grades up. I think if you start taking 16 units a quarter, you would feel a lot less overwhelmed and so you might do better at keeping your GPA decent. I personally do enjoy economics more than chemistry, but I feel the science field suits me better career-wise. In terms of pay-wise, however, I don’t think an accounting job would pay that much significantly less than nursing ( though it is not the case when compared to say pharmacy).</p>

<p>Management Sci majors work everywhere from research to investment banking to corporate finance. Take a look at the recruiters at UCSD for the econ major in general. F500 companies. That being said the entry level econ classes are easy but once you hit econometrics, it’s just as difficult as chemistry if not more. Don’t be fooled. Management Sci is math heavy as opposed to normal econ. </p>

<p>Don’t switch into a major without doing some research. For ex. if you want to go into accounting, the money/experience is at the Big 4 but be prepared to work very long hours. You’ll have to sit for the CPA exam too. Big 4 requires a high GPA for interviews. Other options are normal accounting jobs or working for the gov.</p>